[MT] The amount of waste that is used to eliminate according to the technology of waste disposal.


[MT] The amount of waste that is used to eliminate according to the technology of waste disposal.

Data and Resources

  • ปริมาณมูลฝอยทั่วไปที่นำไปกำจัดแยกตามเทคโนโลยีกา ...CSV

Additional Info

Field Value
Maintainer กลุ่มงานแผนงานและประเมินผล กองนโยบายและแผนงาน
Last Updated October 2, 2023, 23:22 (CST)
Created October 2, 2023, 23:22 (CST)
DPA_DateImported 232750951
DPA_former_id af62128f-566b-4831-aece-1784041807d3
DPA_former_name env0011
DPA_former_owner_org 13020000
DPA_former_site https://data.go.th/en
AODP Economy Thailand