[MT] 107 Annual Report Yunlin County - population class

收錄本縣人口相關統計數據-現住戶數、人口密度及性比例、戶籍動態、現住人口之年齡分配、現住人口之年齡結構、15歲以上現住人口之教育程度-按年齡別分、15歲以上現住人口之教育程度-按鄉鎮市區別分、現住人口之婚姻狀況-按年齡別分、現住人口之婚姻狀況-按鄉鎮市區別分、現住原住民戶口數、現住原住民年齡分配、15歲以上現住原住民教育程度及 現住原住民婚姻狀況

[MT] Included the county population-related statistics - now the number of households, population density and sex ratio, household dynamics, now living in the age distribution of the population, for which we live the age structure of the population of m...

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Medan Nilai
Pengarang 莊美玲
Penyelenggara 2.16.886.101.90012.20002|雲林縣政府
Kemas kini terakhir November 11, 2020, 16:47 (CST)
Buat Oktober 12, 2020, 15:17 (CST)
DPA_DateImported 202861314
DPA_former_id 4f77f73b-9e2c-4677-8353-6e7b357aa3c8
DPA_former_name 108114
DPA_former_owner_org 4eaf3966-2f8e-4681-bdf7-682fb5e44fd6
DPA_former_site https://data.gov.tw
src_categoryDataset A
src_categoryService I00
src_categoryTheme 001
src_cost free
src_coverageEndedDate 2019-09-20 00:00:00
src_coverageStartedDate 2019-09-20 00:00:00
src_dataProvider P221106888
src_dataQuality G
src_datasetId 108114
src_detectFrequency False
src_language zh
src_modifiedDate 2019-09-20 16:39:36
src_publishedDate 2019-09-20 00:00:00
src_publisherContactPhone 05-5523058
src_type rawData
src_updateFrequency 不更新
AODP Ekonomi Taiwan