Data dan Sumber
The JFTC issued Cease and Desist Order and ...HTML
The JFTC Issued Cease and Desist Orders and ...HTML
The JFTC issued Cease and Desist Order and ...HTML
Report on Fact-Finding Survey on Trades ...HTML
The JFTC issued Cease and Desist Order against ...HTML
The JFTC issued Cease and Desist Order and ...HTML
The JFTC issued Cease and Desist Order and ...HTML
Cease and Desist Order against DeNA Co., ...HTML
Cease and Desist Order against Johnson & ...HTML
Cease and Desist Order against Royal Home ...HTML
Decision to Commence Hearing Procedures ...HTML
Cease and Desist Order against QUALCOMM Inc ...HTML
Cease and Desist Order against Travel Agents ...HTML
Cease and Desist Order against Seven-Eleven ...HTML
Cease and Desist Order against Shimachu Co., Ltd.HTML
Cease and Desist Orders against Manufacturers ...HTML
Cease and Desist Order against Daiwa Co., Ltd.HTML
Hearing Decision against Daiichikosho Co., Ltd.HTML
Recommendation to Unit Safety Signs Co., Ltd.HTML
Cease and Desist Order against Kyushu Electric ...HTML
Warning to Koundou CorporationHTML
Treatment of Suspected Violation against the ...HTML
Hearing Decision against Microsoft CorporationHTML
Commencement of Hearing procedures against ...HTML
Warning to EMOBILE Ltd.HTML
Cease and Desist Order against TV TOKYO ...HTML
Cease and Desist Order against All Nippon ...HTML
Hearing Decision Against Sony Music ...HTML
Cease and Desist Order against Japanese ...HTML
Actions on the Issues of Low-Price Bids for ...HTML
Cease and Desist Order against Yamada Denki ...HTML
Recommendation to Mazda Motor CorporationHTML
Report on Representations in the Trade of Dogs ...HTML
Cease and Desist Order Against Hamanaka Co., Ltd.HTML
Cease and Desist Order Against Eco's Co., Ltd.HTML
Cease and Desist Order Against Able Inc.HTML
Cease and Desist Order Against House Foods ...HTML
Cease and Desist Order against Kobayashi ...HTML
Treatment of Suspected Violation of the ...HTML
Warning to AkachanhonpoHTML
Cease and Desist Order against Nihon ...HTML
Cease and Desist Order against Marukyo CorporationHTML
Enforcement Status of the Subcontract Act and ...HTML
Cease and Desist Order against Sogo Co., Ltd. ...HTML
Enforcement Status of the Act against ...HTML
Cease and Desist Order against Eight Paper ...HTML
Recommendations to Kinki Nissan Diesel Motor ...HTML
Hearing Decisions against Tomorrowland ...HTML
Cease and desist order,etc. against oil ...HTML
Cease and Desist Order against American Life ...HTML
The cease and desist order and other ...HTML
The JFTC issued cease and desist order to Tama ...HTML
The JFTC issued cease and desist order to ...HTML
The JFTC issued cease and desist order to ...HTML
Partial amendment to the Restriction on Items ...HTML
The JFTC issued cease and desist orders to ...HTML
The JFTC issued a cease and desist order to ...HTML
Fact-finding survey on representations ...HTML
The JFTC gave warning etc. to mobile phone ...HTML
Application of the Premiums and ...HTML
The JFTC rendered a recommendation to ...HTML
The Fair Trade Commission of Japan closes its ...HTML
JFTC issues recommendation to five Chaku-Uta ...HTML
JFTC issues a recommendation to Don Quixote ...HTML
Warning to Yatsushiro District Agricultural ...HTML
JFTC issues recommendation to Hashimoto ...HTML
JFTC issues recommendation to Uny Co., Ltd.HTML
JFTC issues recommendation to Mr. Max CorporationHTML
JFTC publishes result of investigation into ...HTML
Main Features of the Bill to Amend the ...HTML
The JFTC renders a Recommendation to Microsoft ...HTML
JFTC published the “Guidelines concerning ...HTML
Application of the Subcontract Act in FY2003 ...HTML
Warning, etc. to Citibank N.A. and Shinsei ...HTML
Application of the Premiums and ...HTML
Recommendation to Green Group Co., Ltd.HTML
JFTC issues Warning on Representations of ...HTML
JFTC issues Cease and Desist Order to Marukyu K.K.HTML
JFTC issues a warning and caution to ...HTML
Designation of Misleading Representations ...HTML
JFTC issues a Warning to Used Vehicles Dealer ...HTML
JFTC renders a Recommendation to a department ...HTML
JFTC issues a Recommendation to POSFUL ...HTML
JFTC Recommendation to Tokyu Parking Systems ...HTML
A cease and desist order to Japan ...HTML
JFTC issued a decision to initiate hearings to ...HTML
JFTC warns Asahi Breweries Ltd., against a ...HTML
JFTC renders cease and desist order to K.K. ...HTML
JFTC renders cease and desist order to Daimatu ...HTML
JFTC issues cease and desist order to dealers ...HTML
Warning to Five Household Electric Appliance ...HTML
Warning to Yamada Denki Co., Ltd.HTML
JFTC issued a cease and desist order to K.K. ...HTML
JFTC issues a cease and desist order to used ...HTML
JFTC warns three apparel companies in Gifu ...HTML
JFTC issues a recommendation to a karaoke ...HTML
JFTC issues a cease-and-desist order regarding ...HTML
JFTC issues a recommendation to a manufacturer ...HTML
JFTC renders a recommendation to Twentieth ...HTML
Cease and desist order against Tokyo Compass ...HTML
Cease and desist order against YONEX K.KHTML
JFTC renders a recommendation to J-PHONE Co., ...HTML
On appropriate representations of what is ...HTML
Cease and desist orders against misleading ...HTML
On representations of insurance products on ...HTML
Cease and desist order against misleading ...HTML
JFTC warns Konami Corporation against unfair ...HTML
Cease and desist orders against misleading ...HTML
JFTC renders cease and desist order against ...HTML
JFTC renders recommendation to the Hospital ...HTML
Maklumat tambahan
Medan | Nilai |
Kemas kini terakhir | November 13, 2020, 01:03 (CST) |
Buat | Oktober 23, 2020, 00:17 (CST) |
DPA_DateImported | 202962100 |
DPA_former_id | 8da5ee43-5bfe-4ecc-b737-dcf33bb6a809 |
DPA_former_name | jftc_20160323_0010 |
DPA_former_owner_org | 7e2f9dd6-f2f7-46b0-8b84-88c5defb4648 |
DPA_former_site | |
contactPoint | 官房国際課 |
creator | 官房国際課 |
description | |
frequency_of_update | 不定期 |
landingPage | |
publisher | 公正取引委員会 |
release_date | |
resource_names | The JFTC issued Cease and Desist Order and Surcharge Payment Order to DIREX Corporation,The JFTC Issued Cease and Desist Orders and Surcharge Payment Orders to Manufacturers of Starch Adhesive for Corrugated Board,The JFTC issued Cease and Desist Order and Surcharge Payment Order to RALSE Company, Limited,Report on Fact-Finding Survey on Trades between Food Service Operators and Suppliers (Overview),The JFTC issued Cease and Desist Order against Adidas Japan KK,The JFTC issued Cease and Desist Order and Surcharge Payment Order against EDION Corporation,The JFTC issued Cease and Desist Order and Surcharge Payment Order against Toys“R”Us-Japan, Ltd.,Cease and Desist Order against DeNA Co., Ltd(Tentative Translation),Cease and Desist Order against Johnson & Johnson K.K. (Tentative translation),Cease and Desist Order against Royal Home Center Co., Ltd. (Tentative Translation),Decision to Commence Hearing Procedures against QUALCOMM Incorporated (Tentative Translation),Cease and Desist Order against QUALCOMM Inc orporated,Cease and Desist Order against Travel Agents Handling School Excursions of Municipal Junior High Schools Located in the City of Okayama,Cease and Desist Order against Seven-Eleven Japan Co., Ltd.,Cease and Desist Order against Shimachu Co., Ltd.,Cease and Desist Orders against Manufacturers and Sellers of goods claiming anti-snoring etc.,Cease and Desist Order against Daiwa Co., Ltd.,Hearing Decision against Daiichikosho Co., Ltd.,Recommendation to Unit Safety Signs Co., Ltd.,Cease and Desist Order against Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc.,Warning to Koundou Corporation,Treatment of Suspected Violation against the Antimonopoly Act in relation to the Issuer Pricing Card by Nippon Oil Corporation,Hearing Decision against Microsoft Corporation,Commencement of Hearing procedures against Hamanaka Co., Ltd. (Hamanaka Wool Resale Price Restriction Case),Warning to EMOBILE Ltd.,Cease and Desist Order against TV TOKYO Direct, Inc.,Cease and Desist Order against All Nippon Airways Co., Ltd.,Hearing Decision Against Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) Inc. and Three Other Corporations (Hearing on Case Against Song Ringtone Providers),Cease and Desist Order against Japanese Consumers' Co-operative Union,Actions on the Issues of Low-Price Bids for Public Construction Projects,Cease and Desist Order against Yamada Denki Co., Ltd.,Recommendation to Mazda Motor Corporation,Report on Representations in the Trade of Dogs and Cats (Overview),Cease and Desist Order Against Hamanaka Co., Ltd.,Cease and Desist Order Against Eco's Co., Ltd.,Cease and Desist Order Against Able Inc.,Cease and Desist Order Against House Foods Corporation,Cease and Desist Order against Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.,Treatment of Suspected Violation of the Antimonopoly Act by Two Major Air Carriers,Warning to Akachanhonpo,Cease and Desist Order against Nihon SiberHegner K.K.,Cease and Desist Order against Marukyo Corporation,Enforcement Status of the Subcontract Act and Promotion of Proper Corporate Transactions in the Financial Year 2007,Cease and Desist Order against Sogo Co., Ltd. and the Seibu Department Stores, Ltd.,Enforcement Status of the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations and Promotion of Proper Consumer Transactions in Fiscal 2007 (Summary),Cease and Desist Order against Eight Paper Manufacturing Companies,Recommendations to Kinki Nissan Diesel Motor Co., Ltd.,Hearing Decisions against Tomorrowland Co.,Ltd. and World Co.,Ltd.(A Case of Violation of the Premiums and Representations Act with Respect to Misleading Representations on Country of Origin of Imported Pants),Cease and desist order,etc. against oil product retailers operating service stations in Oyama, Tochigi Prefecture,Cease and Desist Order against American Life Insurance Company,The cease and desist order and other directions issued by JFTC to KOSUGI SANGYO CO., LTD. and Niwako Co., Ltd.,The JFTC issued cease and desist order to Tama Home Co, Ltd.,The JFTC issued cease and desist order to Shinsei Bank, Limited,The JFTC issued cease and desist order to Felissimo Corporation,Partial amendment to the Restriction on Items regarding Provision of Premiums to Consumers,The JFTC issued cease and desist orders to Coram Japan, Ltd. and Jupiter Shop Channel Co., Ltd.,The JFTC issued a cease and desist order to Japan Post,Fact-finding survey on representations concerning short-term language training programs in foreign countries,The JFTC gave warning etc. to mobile phone companies,Application of the Premiums and Representations Act in FY2005, and efforts towards proper consumer-related transactions(Overview),The JFTC rendered a recommendation to Raymayfujii Corporation,The Fair Trade Commission of Japan closes its investigation into Overture K.K. and. Google, Inc.,JFTC issues recommendation to five Chaku-Uta service providers,JFTC issues a recommendation to Don Quixote Co., Ltd.,Warning to Yatsushiro District Agricultural Cooperative,JFTC issues recommendation to Hashimoto Forming Industry Company Limited,JFTC issues recommendation to Uny Co., Ltd.,JFTC issues recommendation to Mr. Max Corporation,JFTC publishes result of investigation into Canon Inc. based on the Antimonopoly Act,Main Features of the Bill to Amend the Antimonopoly Act,Warning to TENNENNO-ONSENMURA K.K.,The JFTC renders a Recommendation to Microsoft Corporation,JFTC published the “Guidelines concerning Misleading Representations concerning Fee-charging Homes for the Elderly”,Application of the Subcontract Act in FY2003 and Measures for Fairness of Corporate Transactions (Summary),Warning, etc. to Citibank N.A. and Shinsei Bank, Limited,Application of the Premiums and Representations Act in FY 2003 and Measures for the Proper Consumer Transactions (Summary) ,Recommendation to Green Group Co., Ltd.,JFTC issues Warning on Representations of Cooking Oil Disposers Flushed into Drains,JFTC issues Cease and Desist Order to Marukyu K.K.,JFTC issues a warning and caution to manufacturers and sellers of MO drive products concerning the representations on the speed of data reading,Designation of Misleading Representations Concerning Fee-charging Homes for the Elderly and publication of the Draft of Guidelines Concerning “Misleading Representations Concerning Fee-charging Homes for the Elderly”,JFTC issues a Warning to Used Vehicles Dealer Company Located in Yamagata Prefecture,JFTC renders a Recommendation to a department store, Sanyo -Marunaka K.K. against unfair trade practice,JFTC issues a Recommendation to POSFUL Corporation against unfair trade practices Corporation,JFTC Recommendation to Tokyu Parking Systems Corporation,A cease and desist order to Japan Correspondence Course Association Co. Ltd., about misleading representation on correspondence course for increasing the stature,JFTC issued a decision to initiate hearings to Daiichikosho CO. Ltd., on the case of interference with a competitor's transactions.,JFTC warns Asahi Breweries Ltd., against a possible unfair trade practice in beer trading,JFTC renders cease and desist order to K.K. Fuji Art Group about misleading representations on “lucky wallet”,JFTC renders cease and desist order to Daimatu Kogyo K.K. about misleading representations on manufacturing country of sandals,JFTC issues cease and desist order to dealers in electric scooters on misleading representation,Warning to Five Household Electric Appliance Mass Merchandisers,Warning to Yamada Denki Co., Ltd.,JFTC issued a cease and desist order to K.K. Urushihara on misleading representations on manufacturing country of gloves,JFTC issues a cease and desist order to used car dealerships in Aichi Prefecture on misleading representations by odometer-tampering,JFTC warns three apparel companies in Gifu district against misleading representations on country of origin,JFTC issues a recommendation to a karaoke producer/distributor,Daiichikosho Co., Ltd.,JFTC issues a cease-and-desist order regarding Newspaper Advertisement Inserts Advocating "Weight-Loss Effect" - Case against Fuji Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Ho-ou Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., and one other company -,JFTC issues a recommendation to a manufacturer of sporting equipments, YONEX K.K,JFTC renders a recommendation to Twentieth Century Fox Japan, Inc. on restriction on admission charge of cinema theaters.,Cease and desist order against Tokyo Compass MFG Co., Ltd.,Cease and desist order against YONEX K.K,JFTC renders a recommendation to J-PHONE Co., Ltd. about restriction on price indication by distributors,On appropriate representations of what is called "nonalcoholic beverage",Cease and desist orders against misleading representations by Nippon Life Insurance Company,On representations of insurance products on newspaper advertisement,Cease and desist order against misleading representation by beverage manufacturers and retailers in Okinawa,JFTC warns Konami Corporation against unfair trade practices through sub-lincense agreements,Cease and desist orders against misleading representations on retirement homes in Chubu District,JFTC renders cease and desist order against misleading representations on eyeglasses by HOYA Corporation,JFTC renders recommendation to the Hospital Diet Wholesale Cooperatives in Japan for restricting members' selling districts |
spatial | |
AODP Ekonomi | Japan |