Inland Ash Scattering Gardens
Inland Ash Scattering Gardens

Locations of the upcoming inland ash scattering gardens in Singapore

Locations of the upcoming inland ash scattering gardens in Singapore

Data dan Sumber

  • Inland Ash Scattering Gardens (KML)KML

  • Inland Ash Scattering Gardens (GEOJSON)GeoJSON

Maklumat tambahan

Medan Nilai
Kemas kini terakhir Oktober 29, 2020, 08:35 (CST)
Buat Oktober 29, 2020, 08:35 (CST)
DPA_DateImported 203030733
DPA_former_id 15fe0c0e-d7ab-480f-a45a-a058c599359e
DPA_former_name inland-ash-scattering-gardens
DPA_former_owner_org 0c554b87-60b3-4b38-95eb-e0c29c0965cb
DPA_former_site https://data.gov.sg
AODP Ekonomi Singapore