توزيع الموقع الأساسي (السرطان الخبيث) حسب الفئة العمرية بين الجميع
[MT] Distribution of the basic location (malignant cancer) by age group between everyone

(ملاحظة: الجدول مقسم إلى العديد). تسلط مجموعة البيانات الضوء على توزيع حالات السرطان الخبيثة المشخصة حسب الموقع الأساسي والجنس بين سكان الإمارات العربية المتحدة في عام 2014. تختلف السرطانات الأكثر تشخيصًا بين سكان الإمارات بشكل كبير حسب الفئة العمرية ، مع وجود اختلافات خاصة في أنواع السرطان التي تم تشخيصها لدى الأطفال (0-14) ، والمراهقين (15-24) ، والشباب (25-49) ، والبالغين (50-74) مقارنة بالأنواع التي تم تشخيصها لدى كبار السن (75 سنة فأكثر).

[MT] (Note: Table is divided into many). The data set highlights the distribution of malicious cancer situations by the primary and gender between the United Arab Emirates in 2014. The most diagnosed cancers between the UAE population vary significantly...

Data dan Sumber

  • Primary Site (malignant cancer) Distribution ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the distribution of malignant diagnosed cancer cases...

  • Primary Site (malignant cancer) for Age Group ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the distribution of malignant diagnosed cancer cases...

  • Primary Site (malignant cancer) for Age Group ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the distribution of malignant diagnosed cancer cases...

  • Primary Site (malignant cancer) for Age Group ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the distribution of malignant diagnosed cancer cases...

  • Primary Site (malignant cancer) for Age Group ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the distribution of malignant diagnosed cancer cases...

  • Primary Site (malignant cancer) for Age Group ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the distribution of malignant diagnosed cancer cases...

  • Primary Site (malignant cancer) for Age Group ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the distribution of malignant diagnosed cancer cases...

  • Primary Site (malignant cancer) for Age Group ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the distribution of malignant diagnosed cancer cases...

  • Primary Site (malignant cancer) for Age Group ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the distribution of malignant diagnosed cancer cases...

  • Primary Site (malignant cancer) for Age Group ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the distribution of malignant diagnosed cancer cases...

  • Primary Site (malignant cancer) for Age Group ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the distribution of malignant diagnosed cancer cases...

  • Primary Site (malignant cancer) for Age Group ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the distribution of malignant diagnosed cancer cases...

  • Primary Site (malignant cancer) for Age Group ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the distribution of malignant diagnosed cancer cases...

  • Primary Site (malignant cancer) for Age Group ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the distribution of malignant diagnosed cancer cases...

  • Primary Site (malignant cancer) for Age Group ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the distribution of malignant diagnosed cancer cases...

  • Primary Site (malignant cancer) for Age Group ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the distribution of malignant diagnosed cancer cases...

  • Primary Site (malignant cancer) for Age Group ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the distribution of malignant diagnosed cancer cases...

  • Primary Site (malignant cancer) for Unkown Age ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the distribution of malignant diagnosed cancer cases...

  • Primary Site (malignant cancer) for Age Group ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the distribution of malignant diagnosed cancer cases...

Maklumat tambahan

Medan Nilai
Sumber http://www.mohap.gov.ae/Files/MOH_OpenData/520/UAE%20Cancer%20Registry%20Report%202014_En.pdf
Kemas kini terakhir November 13, 2020, 09:43 (CST)
Buat Oktober 30, 2020, 16:48 (CST)
Contact Ministry Of Health
DPA_DateImported 203041332
DPA_former_id 3e232097-0b73-4903-9f7f-7cb42b17c921
DPA_former_name primary-site-malignant-cancer-distribution-by-age-group-among-all
DPA_former_owner_org 4e6c9523-d4f6-42bd-8aa7-0add9eb575e6
DPA_former_site http://data.bayanat.ae/en_GB
Data Owner Ministry Of Health
Date Created (DD:MM:YYYY) Jul 2016
End Year (YYYY) 2014
Keywords Cancer, Age group, Non-citizens, Citizens, Children, Teenagers, Adults, Males, Females
Bahasa English
Last Updated (DD:MM:YYYY) Jul 2016
Original Page Number 57
Original Table Number 18
Theme Health
AODP Ekonomi UAE