معدل النمو السنوي لإجمالي تكوين رأس المال الثابت حسب النشاط الاقتصادي بالسعر الحالي
[MT] The annual growth rate of fixed capital configuration by economic activity at the current price

يوضح ذلك معدلات النمو السنوية لإجمالي تكوين رأس المال الثابت حسب النشاط الاقتصادي بالأسعار الجارية للفترة 2013-2016

[MT] This announces the annual growth rates of the total composition of fixed capital according to economic activity at current prices for the period 2013-2016

Data dan Sumber

  • Annual Growth Rate of Gross Fixed Capital ...XLSX

    This shows the annual growth rates of gross fixed capital formation by...

Maklumat tambahan

Medan Nilai
Sumber https://www.scad.ae/Release%20Documents/SYB_2017_EN.PDF
Kemas kini terakhir November 13, 2020, 09:29 (CST)
Buat Oktober 31, 2020, 08:09 (CST)
Contact Statistics Centre of Abu Dhabi
DPA_DateImported 203050724
DPA_former_id bba73387-3b16-40e0-be82-b42f426b0dd2
DPA_former_name annual-growth-rate-of-gross-fixed-capital-formation-by-economic-activity-at-current-price-2013-201
DPA_former_owner_org 421a41b5-3cd5-43ec-bf2f-cc2e4349d04d
DPA_former_site http://data.bayanat.ae/en_GB
Data Owner Statistics Centre of Abu Dhabi
Date Created (DD:MM:YYYY) 2016
End Year (YYYY) 2016
Keywords Agriculture, transportation, economy, Capital Formation, Abu Dhabi, transportation, real estate, health, education,
Bahasa English
Last Updated (DD:MM:YYYY) December 2016
Original Page Number 26
Original Table Number 1.1.13
Theme Economy
AODP Ekonomi UAE