X - Attendences To P.H.C. By Type Of Services, Sex, Nationality & Medical District
X - Attendences To P.H.C. By Type Of Services, Sex, Nationality & Medical District

(note: files need to be reviewed as they contain empty cells and missing page number and datasets don't have the same dissagrigation) The dataset presents and inventory of patients attending a P.H.C. and receiving treatment, disaggregated by type of treatment, sex, children or adult, pregnancy, and medical district

(note: files need to be reviewed as they contain empty cells and missing page number and datasets don't have the same dissagrigation) The dataset presents and inventory of patients attending a P.H.C. and receiving treatment, disaggregated by type of tre...

Data dan Sumber

  • Attendences To P.H.C. By Type Of Services, ...XLSX

    The dataset presents and inventory of patients attending a P.H.C. and...

  • Attendences To P.H.C. By Type Of Services, ...XLSX

    The dataset presents and inventory of patients attending a P.H.C. and...

  • Attendences To P.H.C. By Type Of Services, ...XLSX

    The dataset presents and inventory of patients attending a P.H.C. and...

  • Attendences To P.H.C. By Type Of Services, ...XLSX

    The dataset presents and inventory of patients attending a P.H.C. and...

  • Patients Treated At P.H.C. By Type of Disease ...XLSX

    The dataset presents and inventory of patients treated for medical conditions...

  • Patients Treated At P.H.C. By Type of Disease ...XLSX

    The dataset presents and inventory of patients treated for medical conditions...

  • Patients Treated At P.H.C. By Type of Disease ...XLSX

    The dataset presents and inventory of patients treated for medical conditions...

Maklumat tambahan

Medan Nilai
Kemas kini terakhir November 13, 2020, 09:45 (CST)
Buat Oktober 31, 2020, 08:28 (CST)
Contact MOHAP
DPA_DateImported 203050724
DPA_former_id 2db1527b-250e-4983-b680-cfa258606650
DPA_former_name attendences-to-p-h-c-by-type-of-services-sex-nationality-medical-district
DPA_former_owner_org 4e6c9523-d4f6-42bd-8aa7-0add9eb575e6
DPA_former_site http://data.bayanat.ae/en_GB
Data Owner MOHAP
Date Created (DD:MM:YYYY)
End Year (YYYY)
Keywords disease, gender, sex, citizenship, pregnant, nationality, dental, nursing, specialist, M.C.H.
Bahasa English and Arabic
Last Updated (DD:MM:YYYY)
Original Page Number
Original Table Number Table 45
Theme Health