[MT] Oil statistics (resource / energy statistics (petroleum)) (2019)


[MT] The purpose of the "Oil Product Sales Demand Dynamics Statistics Survey" and the "Petroleum Import Survey" will be published as "Petroleum Statistics", and the purpose is to grasp the dynamics of the supply and demand of petroleum products and the ...

Data dan Sumber

  • 石油統計年報(2019年)PDF


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Medan Nilai
Kemas kini terakhir Jun 21, 2022, 23:46 (CST)
Buat Jun 21, 2022, 23:45 (CST)
DPA_DateImported 221710955
DPA_former_id a7a09267-6355-48d5-982d-bd6075a557f1
DPA_former_name meti_20211007_0011
DPA_former_owner_org 362d723d-e10a-4bee-aeb4-2e6a81da4f95
DPA_former_site https://www.data.go.jp/data/en
contactPoint 資源エネルギー庁資源・燃料部政策課
creator 資源エネルギー庁資源・燃料部政策課
description 「石油製品需給動態統計調査」と「石油輸入調査」の結果をまとめて「石油統計」として公表し、石油製品の需給や原油の輸入について動態を把握することを目的とする。
frequency_of_update 1年
landingPage https://www.meti.go.jp/statistics/tyo/sekiyuka/index.html#menu1
publisher 経済産業省
release_date 2020-06-26
resource_names 石油統計年報(2019年)
AODP Ekonomi Japan