Title: Please describe the title or name of your Web API service.
URL: Please fill in the URL of the website that provides the Web API service.
Contact name: Please fill in the name of the person who handle this service application and can be reached by us in the future.
Contact email: Please fill in the email account of the contact person specified above.
Description: Please describe data content, data quality, service provisioning, terms of use, etc. about your Web API service.
Benefit: Please describe the benefits of using your Web API service.
OpenAPI definition: Please fill in the URL that permits the access of the OpenAPI definition conforms to your Web API service. We adopt Swagger definitions for publication, please refer to our policy for more information.
Picture: Please fill in the URL that permits downloading of the picture representing this Web API service.
Tags: Please fill in the keywords that describe this Web API service.
Country of Origin: Please select anyone from the following choices, which fits your situation.
Categories: Please select any items from the following eleven choices, which fit your situation.
Authentication Required: Please specify YES or NO.