Name of the use case: Please describe the name or title of the application/platform/website/report.
URL: Please fill in website or download address of the use case.
Illustration for the usecase: Please provide an illustration (with a photo) of the product/service. You may save the illustration in a cloud drive and provide the URL.
Product/Service: Please identify the product/service types: application, website, platform, and report.
Tags (Keywords): Please describe the features of the product/service with 3 to 4 keywords for discoverable.
Country/Region of origin: Please fill in the country/region to which the company belongs.
Type of data: Please describe more specific domain of the data.
Sectors: Please choose the following one or more sectors that match the description of the product/service the most.
Description: Please describe the product/service in a short, exhaustive and visible description.
Benefits: Please state the advantages/profits/convenience brought by the product/service.
How open data is used: Please describe how open data is applied/exercised in the application.
Company/Organization: Please fill in the name of the product/service developers or vendors.
Contact email: Please fill in the email account of the contact person.