Singapore's Balance Of Payments, (BPM6 Format), Quarterly
Singapore's Balance of Payments, (BPM6), quarterlyCSV
Balance of Payments overall balance and reserve assets
Singapore's Balance of Payments by grouping of ...CSV
Balance of Payments by current account, capital and financial account and...
Singapore's Balance of Payments, (BPM6), by ...CSV
Breakdown of current account by goods balance, service balance, primary...
Singapore's BOP by various accounts with broad ...CSV
Breakdown of goods, services, primary income and secondary income by credit...
Singapore's BOP by various accounts at ...CSV
Services account by types of services. Financial account functional...
Singapore's BOP by various accounts at ...CSV
Detailed breakdown of transport services by modes of transport, other...
ฟิลด์ | ค่า |
ที่มา | http://www.tablebuilder.singstat.gov.sg/publicfacing/createDataTable.action?refId=16101&exportType=csv |
Last Updated | พฤศจิกายน 12, 2020, 08:38 (CST) |
สร้างแล้ว | กันยายน 9, 2019, 16:42 (CST) |
AODP_DateImported | 192521611 |
AODP_former_id | 53e30ab4-bdb6-4990-aba6-dea8fefaf085 |
AODP_former_name | singapore-s-balance-of-payments-bpm6-format-quarterly |
AODP_former_owner_org | 055ea990-7482-4ac5-9f8b-8f4bef4cc8f3 |
AODP_former_site | https://data.gov.sg |
AODP Economy | Singapore |