Daily Projected Rainfall for Scenario ECHM5A2_1 by State in Peninsular Malaysia
Daily Projected Rainfall for Scenario ECHM5A2_1 by State in Peninsular Malaysia

A 21st century projection under SRES A2 scenario initialized in the year of the 20C_1. (EH5-T63L31_OM-GR1.5L40_A2_1)

Model:ECHM5 The atmospheric GCM ECHM5 has a spectral drnamical core where vorticity, divergence, temperature and surface pressure are represented in the horizontal by a truncated series of harmonics. A semi-Lanrangian scheme is used for the transport of water components (water vapour, cloud liquid water and cloud ice)

Scenario A2: The scenario SRES A2 envisions a very heterogeneous world. The underlying theme of this scenario is self-reliance and preservation of local identities. Fertility patterns across regions of the world converge very slowly, resulting in continuously increasing world population. Economic development is primarily regionally regionally oriented and slower than in other scenario.

A 21st century projection under SRES A2 scenario initialized in the year of the 20C_1. (EH5-T63L31_OM-GR1.5L40_A2_1)Model:ECHM5The atmospheric GCM ECHM5 has a spectral drnamical core where vorticity, divergence, temperature and surface pressure are repr...


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ฟิลด์ ค่า
ผู้แต่ง Zurina Zainol
ผู้ดูแล Harlisa Zulkifli
Last Updated พฤศจิกายน 12, 2020, 08:41 (CST)
สร้างแล้ว ตุลาคม 12, 2020, 18:54 (CST)
DPA_DateImported 202861325
DPA_former_id 24010609-0a37-4bfa-a186-c573e4dcc0a7
DPA_former_name echm5a2-1-by-state-in-peninsular-malaysia
DPA_former_owner_org 24f6401a-5dd0-44eb-92ca-d3421e8ac4bc
DPA_former_site http://www.data.gov.my/data/en_US
update_frequency 5
AODP Economy Malaysia