East Godavari District Treasury: Expenditure - September, 2015-16
East Godavari District Treasury: Expenditure - ...CSV
The dataset provides the details of disbursement of the East Godavari...
East Godavari District Treasury: Expenditure - ...XLSX
The dataset provides the details of disbursement of the East Godavari...
ฟิลด์ | ค่า |
Last Updated | พฤศจิกายน 13, 2020, 09:24 (CST) |
สร้างแล้ว | ตุลาคม 28, 2020, 14:02 (CST) |
DPA_DateImported | 203020903 |
DPA_former_id | 763d0d0b-9eb4-4a7f-92c0-845c304a62c1 |
DPA_former_name | east-godavari-district-treasury-expenditure-september-2015-16 |
DPA_former_owner_org | bda0a785-3f31-486c-8348-517f4412b88d |
DPA_former_site | https://openbudgetsindia.org |
Unit | Figures are presented in units of Rs. |
Year | 2015-16 |
AODP Economy | India |