Union Budget (2020-21) - Pensions
Union Budget (2020-21) - Pensions

Total Union Budget Allocation for Pensions under the Ministry of Finance. It includes Pensions and Other Retirement Benefits, provison for payment of Pensions and Gratuities including those charged on the Consolidated Fund of India, which are later recovered from the State Governments,Contributions and Recoveries towards Pension and Retirement Benefits' are on account of dues receivable from Government of NCT of Delhi, Social Security and Welfare includes provisions for contribution to Contributory and other Provident Funds, Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme and Central Government Employees Insurance Scheme

Total Union Budget Allocation for Pensions under the Ministry of Finance. It includes Pensions and Other Retirement Benefits, provison for payment of Pensions and Gratuities including those charged on the Consolidated Fund of India, which are later re...


  • Union Budget (2020-21) - PensionsCSV

    Total Union Budget Allocation for Pensions under the Ministry of Finance. It...

  • Union Budget (2020-21) - PensionsXLSX

    Total Union Budget Allocation for Pensions under the Ministry of Finance. It...

  • Union Budget (2020-21) - PensionsPDF

    Total Union Budget Allocation for Pensions under the Ministry of Finance. It...


ฟิลด์ ค่า
Last Updated พฤศจิกายน 12, 2020, 22:27 (CST)
สร้างแล้ว ตุลาคม 30, 2020, 22:28 (CST)
DPA_DateImported 203041508
DPA_former_id b660bcdf-e9b7-4a50-b0dc-ca3798eca4e3
DPA_former_name pensions-2020-21-budget
DPA_former_owner_org pensions
DPA_former_site https://openbudgetsindia.org
Theme Union Government Expenditure Budget
AODP Economy India