[MT] Employment values by profession
ฟิลด์ | ค่า |
Last Updated | พฤศจิกายน 12, 2020, 14:25 (CST) |
สร้างแล้ว | ตุลาคม 31, 2020, 12:44 (CST) |
Calculation methodology | (Count) An employed person is a person who is 15+ years old, worked in the last week prior the interview at least one hour, or he has work last week because he has a sick leave or paid leave We ask each person about his job or occupation, and the institute that he works in and the economic activity of this institution |
DPA_DateImported | 203050724 |
DPA_former_id | 8566517a-94fa-4128-9e99-29bbb9fc64e0 |
DPA_former_name | employment-values-by-occupation |
DPA_former_owner_org | 8673a3f5-51a4-4643-8269-2d4ab79defc7 |
DPA_former_site | http://data.bayanat.ae/en_GB |
End Year | 2015 |
Last update | 2020 |
Source | ILO |
Start Year | 2010 |
AODP Economy | UAE |