[MT] The average number of hours studying high schools and kindergarten teachers to participate in development activities in the education process, the case belongs to the ages of the counties
ฟิลด์ | ค่า |
ผู้แต่ง | 潘小姐 |
ผู้ดูแล | 2.16.886.101.20003.20005.20145|教育部師資培育及藝術教育司 |
Last Updated | กันยายน 8, 2021, 15:21 (CST) |
สร้างแล้ว | กันยายน 8, 2021, 15:21 (CST) |
DPA_DateImported | 212511111 |
DPA_former_id | 70d66121-92a1-48b0-8a9f-8b349769297d |
DPA_former_name | 54262 |
DPA_former_owner_org | 4eaf3966-2f8e-4681-bdf7-682fb5e44fd6 |
DPA_former_site | https://data.gov.tw |
src_categoryDataset | A |
src_categoryService | 300 |
src_categoryTheme | 002 |
src_cost | free |
src_coverageEndedDate | 2016-12-31 00:00:00 |
src_coverageStartedDate | 2016-01-01 00:00:00 |
src_dataProvider | pan0427 |
src_dataQuality | G |
src_datasetId | 54262 |
src_detectFrequency | annually |
src_language | zh |
src_modifiedDate | 2019-05-02 11:43:17 |
src_notes | |
src_publishedDate | 2017-09-22 00:00:00 |
src_publisherContactPhone | 0277365726 |
src_relatedUrl | |
src_spatialCoverage | |
src_type | rawData |
src_updateFrequency | 每年 |
AODP Economy | Taiwan |