تصنيف المعاملات بحسب صفة صاحب المعاملة لعام 1441هـ
Classification of transactions according to the status of the owner of the transaction for the year 1441 AH

تصنيف المعاملات بحسب صفة صاحب المعاملة لعام 1441هـ

Classification of transactions according to the status of the owner of the transaction for the year 1441 AH


  • Classification of transactions according to ...XLSX

  • Classification of transactions according to ...CSV

  • Classification of transactions according to ...JSON

  • Classification of transactions according to ...XML


ฟิลด์ ค่า
Last Updated สิงหาคม 21, 2022, 23:53 (CST)
สร้างแล้ว สิงหาคม 21, 2022, 23:53 (CST)
DPA_DateImported 222332016
DPA_former_id e8a13c68-2367-4df3-88b1-20a5eca9c990
DPA_former_name classification-of-transactions-according-to-the-owner-of-the-transaction1441-ah
DPA_former_owner_org 8757be5b-925b-4728-96b1-3e2eb6f7e64a
DPA_former_site https://data.gov.sa/Data/en
AODP Economy Saudi Arabia