الأطباء المتخصصون وأسرة المستشفيات حسب التخصص الطبي
[MT] Specialized doctors and hospital beds according to medical specialization

تعرض مجموعة البيانات العدد الإجمالي للأطباء والأسرة المتخصصة الموزعة حسب التخصص الطبي والمنطقة الطبية

[MT] The data set is subject to the total number of doctors and specialized families distributed according to medical specialization and medical area


  • Specialized Doctors and Beds by Speciality and ...XLSX 熱門的

    The dataset presents the total number of specialized doctors and beds...

  • Specialized Doctors and Beds by Speciality and ...XLSX 熱門的

    The dataset presents the total number of specialized doctors and beds...

  • Specialized Doctors and Beds by Speciality and ...XLSX

    The dataset presents the total number of specialized doctors and beds...

  • Specialized Doctors and Beds by Speciality and ...XLSX

    The dataset presents the total number of specialized doctors and beds...

  • Specialized Doctors and Beds by Speciality and ...XLSX

    The dataset presents the total number of specialized doctors and beds...

  • Specialized Doctors and Beds by Speciality and ...XLSX

    The dataset presents the total number of specialized doctors and beds...

  • Specialized Doctors and Beds by Speciality and ...XLSX

    The dataset presents the total number of specialized doctors and beds...


最後更新 十一月 13, 2020, 11:37 (CST)
建立 十月 30, 2020, 18:47 (CST)
Contact MOHAP
DPA_DateImported 203041332
DPA_former_id eb72b3d8-7282-4570-b64c-62ce657694a0
DPA_former_name specialized-doctors-and-beds-by-speciality-and-medical-district
DPA_former_owner_org 4e6c9523-d4f6-42bd-8aa7-0add9eb575e6
DPA_former_site http://data.bayanat.ae/en_GB
Data Owner MOHAP
Date Created (DD:MM:YYYY) 2002
End Year (YYYY) 2002
Keywords Health, Medical, Medical specialties, Beds, Hospitals, Internal Medicine, General Surgery, Orthopedics, Gynecology, Obstetrics, Pediatrics, Psychological, Nervous, Specialists, General Practitioners
語言 English and Arabic
Last Updated (DD:MM:YYYY) 2002
Original Page Number 85
Original Table Number Table 38
Theme Health