Production accounts of tourism Industry at ...
Supply-Use Table (SUT) is the main source of data for this compilation from year 2005 until 2018. Thus, data on tourism industry production for 2010 are derived from SUT 2010. For the subsequent years, data is based on published Annual GDP.
Additional Information
Field | Value |
Data last updated | August 23, 2020 |
Metadata last updated | unknown |
Created | unknown |
Format | CSV |
License | Creative Commons Attribution |
Created | over 4 years ago |
archiver | {'is_broken_printable': 'Broken', 'updated': '2020-08-23T21:47:11.352371', 'cache_filepath': None, 'last_success': None, 'size': u'0', 'is_broken': True, 'failure_count': 1, 'etag': None, 'status': 'Download error', 'url_redirected_to': None, 'hash': None, 'status_id': 12, 'reason': u'Server reported status error: 500 Internal Server Error', 'last_modified': None, 'resource_timestamp': '2020-08-23T13:47:01.941428', 'mimetype': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2020-08-23T21:47:11.362504', 'first_failure': '2020-08-23T21:47:11.352371'} |
format | CSV |
has views | True |
id | 1bdb2156-4789-4982-831b-28685ca78031 |
last modified | over 4 years ago |
metadata modified | over 4 years ago |
package id | ccd6be8c-a166-4de3-a4b4-d2cd71667aaf |
position | 1 |
qa | {'updated': '2020-08-26T10:59:43.385343', 'openness_score': 3, 'archival_timestamp': '2020-08-26T10:59:42.953027', 'format': 'CSV', 'created': '2020-08-23T21:47:11.788935', 'resource_timestamp': None, 'openness_score_reason': 'Content of file appeared to be format "CSV" which receives openness score: 3.'} |
revision id | e911a5f3-d08f-4cc1-9ed4-52404334d996 |
state | active |