Additional Information
Field | Value |
Data last updated | June 28, 2019 |
Metadata last updated | unknown |
Created | unknown |
Format | CSV |
License | twod_license |
Created | over 7 years ago |
archiver | {'is_broken_printable': 'Downloaded OK', 'updated': '2019-02-19T21:38:40.932180', 'cache_filepath': u'/www/resource_cache/b9/b9585350-657e-48b9-a3ca-f65a0cfb9368/closedday.csv', 'last_success': '2019-02-19T21:38:40.932180', 'size': u'683', 'is_broken': False, 'failure_count': 0, 'etag': u'"1538450487.1-683"', 'status': 'Archived successfully', 'url_redirected_to': None, 'hash': u'a054b3faefb18b95b2ac8dae466357608eff53f7', 'status_id': 0, 'reason': u'', 'last_modified': u'Tue, 02 Oct 2018 03:21:27 GMT', 'resource_timestamp': '2018-10-02T03:21:27.303665', 'mimetype': u'text/csv', 'cache_url': u'', 'created': '2017-04-27T18:13:24.611325', 'first_failure': None} |
extras0 | UTF-8 |
extras2 | 2018/10/02 |
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has views | True |
id | b9585350-657e-48b9-a3ca-f65a0cfb9368 |
last modified | over 5 years ago |
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position | 1 |
qa | {'updated': '2019-02-21T11:54:08.156989', 'openness_score': 3, 'archival_timestamp': '2019-02-19T21:38:40.932180', 'format': u'CSV', 'created': '2017-04-27T19:00:48.254720', 'resource_timestamp': None, 'openness_score_reason': u'Content of file appeared to be format "CSV" which receives openness score: 3.'} |
revision id | 6b52c983-9105-48fb-ae62-1b172cc84f95 |
state | active |
webstore last updated | None |
webstore url | None |