Title in English:
Dataset ini berisi data bangunan cagar budaya golongan A di Kota Bandung. Bangunan cagar budaya adalah susunan binaan yang terbuat dari benda alam atau benda buatan manusia...Description in English:
[MT] This dataset contains data of class A heritage building in the city of Bandung. * Is a cultural heritage building built composition made of natural objects or man-made objects to meet the needs of space-walled and / or no walls and a roof. (Act 11 ... -
Title in English:
Dataset ini berisi data bangunan cagar budaya golongan B di Kota Bandung. Bangunan cagar budaya adalah susunan binaan yang terbuat dari benda alam atau benda buatan manusia...Description in English:
[MT] This dataset contains data of heritage buildings of class B in the city of Bandung. * Is a cultural heritage building built composition made of natural objects or man-made objects to meet the needs of space-walled and / or no walls and a roof. (Act... -
Title in English:
Dataset ini berisi data bangunan cagar budaya golongan C di Kota Bandung. Bangunan cagar budaya adalah susunan binaan yang terbuat dari benda alam atau benda buatan manusia...Description in English:
[MT] This dataset contains data class C heritage building in the city of Bandung. * Is a cultural heritage building built composition made of natural objects or man-made objects to meet the needs of space-walled and / or no walls and a roof. (Act 11 of ...