1,944 datasets found

Contents in English are mainly machine translated, may not reflect the exact meaning.

Catalogues: openbudgetsindia.org Categories: H. Government and public sector

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  • flag_india


    Title in English:


    Total Union Budget allocation for Central Vigilance Commission under the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions. It contains budgetary allocations for...

    Description in English:

    Total Union Budget allocation for Central Vigilance Commission under the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions. It contains budgetary allocations for expenditures related to Central Vigilance Commission.
  • flag_india


    Title in English:


    Total Union Budget allocation for Central Vigilance Commission under the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions. It contains budgetary allocations for...

    Description in English:

    Total Union Budget allocation for Central Vigilance Commission under the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions. It contains budgetary allocations for expenditures related to Central Vigilance Commission.
  • flag_india


    Title in English:


    Assam Budget 2018-19: Annual Financial Statement - 6) Statement E ( financial statement of disbursements under public account of the government of assam for the year 2018-19 )

    Description in English:

    Assam Budget 2018-19: Annual Financial Statement - 6) Statement E ( financial statement of disbursements under public account of the government of assam for the year 2018-19 )
  • flag_india


    Title in English:


    Assam Budget 2018-19: Annual Financial Statement - 5) Statement D ( financial statement of receipts under public account of the government of assam for the year 2018-19 )

    Description in English:

    Assam Budget 2018-19: Annual Financial Statement - 5) Statement D ( financial statement of receipts under public account of the government of assam for the year 2018-19 )
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