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Economies: Indonesia Categories: H. Government and public sector Tags: thesis

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    Title in English:


    Kebakaran hutan akan berdampak terhadap penurunan pendapatan institusi rumah tangga dan pemerintah, secara keseluruhan kerugian ekonomi yang diakibatkan oleh kebakaran hutan...

    Description in English:

    Forest fires will have an impact on the decline in income of household and government institutions, the overall economic loss caused by forest fires is reflected in the magnitude of income decline
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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kesiapan dan permasalahan apa yang dihadapi dalam menerapkan program revitalisasi pertanian oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten Musi...

    Description in English:

    The purpose of this study is to determine the readiness and problems faced in implementing the agricultural revitalization program by the Musi Rawas Regency Government, which can then be used to provide alternative policies.
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    Reboisasi dengan sistem tumpang sari merupakan kegiatan utama, dimana keberhasilan program ini sangat menentukan keberhasilan pembangunan hutan secara keseluruhan

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    Reforestation with an intercropping system is the main activity, where the success of this program will determine the overall success of forest development
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    Listrik merupakan komoditas strategis bagi hajat hidup orang banyak. Namun, krisis listrik telah menjadi ancaman nasional. Hal tersebut terjadi karena harga BBM cenderung...

    Description in English:

    Electricity is a strategic commodity for the lives of many people. However, the electricity crisis has become a national threat. This happens because fuel prices tend to increase and will change the imbalance between national electricity supply and demand.
  • flag_indonesia 1 View


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    Diberlakukannya swakelola bagi Puskesmas di Kota Palembang adalah dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan dan menjadikan puskesmas sebagai solusi untuk pelayanan...

    Description in English:

    The implementation of self-management for Puskesmas in Palembang is aimed at improving the quality of services and making Puskesmas a solution for health services. Implementation of services is part of the implementation of policies that must be provide...
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    Title in English:


    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kualitas pelayanan RSUD Andi Makkasau yang diberikan kepada masyarakat.

    Description in English:

    This study aims to determine the quality of service Andi Makkasau Regional Hospital provided to the community.
  • flag_indonesia 4 Views


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    Mengingat manfaat yang dimilikinya, taman nasional tidak bisa dianggap sebagai obyek wisata biasa sehingga perlu sistem pengelolaan wisata yang berwawasan lingkungan dan...

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    Given the benefits it has, a national park cannot be considered an ordinary tourist attraction so it needs an environmentally friendly and sustainable tourism management system. The problem in this study is to see the extent of the role of the Mount Ged...
  • flag_indonesia 1 View


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    Taman nasional Karimunjawa adalah wilayah pulau-pulau kecil yang bersifat common property resources dan open access mempunyai ekosistem hutan hujan tropis dataran rendah, hutan...

    Description in English:

    Karimunjawa National Park is a region of small islands that are common property resources and open access has lowland tropical rain forest ecosystems, coastal forests, mangroves, seagrasses and coral reef ecosystems that must be managed sustainably. Bio...
  • flag_indonesia 3 Views


    Title in English:


    Analisis sektor perekonomian di Kabupaten Bogor ini bertujuan untuk mengidentiftkasi sektor-sektor perekonomian di Kabupaten Bogor yang memiliki keunggulan dan mengetahui...

    Description in English:

    The analysis of the economic sector in Bogor Regency aims to identify economic sectors in Bogor Regency that have advantages and know the Bogor Regency local government policies that need to be carried out and are expected in an effort to develop the ec...
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    Employment elasticities describe the composition of labor within the labor market employed in industrial sectors. Each sector provides different employment capacities depending...

    Description in English:

    Employment elasticities describe the composition of labor within the labor market employed in industrial sectors. Each sector provides different employment capacities depending on its nature, whether labor or technology inten:;:ive (Rangarajan, 2006)...
  • flag_indonesia 3 Views


    Title in English:


    The goverentment policy about tapioca industrial waste treatment in North Lampung Regency related to SK Gubernut Lampung No. 104/1999 that was revised with Peraturan Gubernur...

    Description in English:

    The goverentment policy about tapioca industrial waste treatment in North Lampung Regency related to SK Gubernut Lampung No. 104/1999 that was revised with Peraturan Gubernur Lampung No. 17/2006 and peraturan Bupati Lampung Utara No. 5/2006 have to impl...
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    Title in English:


    Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa indikator lingkungan bisnis daerah yang tepat dan konsisten dalam menjelaskan konstruk lingkungan bisnis adalah keamanan dan resolusi konflik,...

    Description in English:

    The results showed that appropriate and consistent regional business environment indicators in explaining the construct of the business environment were security and conflict resolution, transaction costs in the regions, access to business land and busi...
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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Investasi Pemerintah. Investasi Swasta dan Mobilitas Penduduk wilayah Perbatasan Entikong terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi...

    Description in English:

    This study aims to determine the effect of Government Investment. Private Investment and Mobility of the Population of the Entikong Border Area on the Economic Growth of the Senggau Regency as measured by the GRDP per Capita.
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    Title in English:


    Sektor unggulan di Kota Batu yang memberikan mutiplier effects yang tinggi terhadap pendapaten, penyerapan tenaga kerja dan kesejahteraan masyarakat adalah sektor industri,...

    Description in English:

    The leading sectors in Batu City that provide high multiplier effects on income, employment and public welfare are the industrial, restaurant, building, hotel, energy and trade sectors. - Fatchurrahman Assidiqqi
  • flag_indonesia 3 Views


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    Tesis ini membahas tentang pengukuran kinerja organisasi sektor publik dengan menggunakan metode balanced scorecard. Objek penelitian dalam tesis ini adalah RSUD Tg. Uban...

    Description in English:

    This thesis discusses the measurement of the performance of public sector organizations using the balanced scorecard method. The object of research in this thesis is Tg. Riau Islands Province Uban stipulated as Regional Public Service Agency (BLUD).
  • flag_indonesia 2 Views


    Title in English:


    Tujuan penelitian adalah 1. Mendeskripsikan kinerja Direktorat Jenderal Bina Marga dari aspek keuangan, kepuasan pelanggan, proses bisnis internal dan pertumbuhan/pembelajaran...

    Description in English:

    The research objectives are 1. Describe the performance of the Directorate General of Highways from financial aspects, customer satisfaction, internal business processes and growth / learning 2. Identify any factors that can improve the performance of t...
  • flag_indonesia


    Title in English:


    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat keberadaan diskriminasi promosi jabatan di Pemerintah Kabupaten Banyuasin. Penelitian ini juga melihat faktor-faktor yang penyebab...

    Description in English:

    This research was conducted to see the existence of discrimination in promotion of positions in the Banyuasin District Government. This study also looked at the factors that caused discrimination in job promotions in this area.
  • flag_indonesia 2 Views


    Title in English:


    Pendidikan di Indonesia tidak dapat dilepaskan dari amanat Undang-undang Dasar 1945 yaitu mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa. Pemerintah menyelenggarakan satu sistem pengajaran...

    Description in English:

    Education in Indonesia cannot be separated from the mandate of the 1945 Constitution which is to educate the nation's life. The government operates a national teaching (education) system that is regulated in Law No. 2 of 1989 concerning the National Edu...
  • flag_indonesia 1 View


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    Transparansi dan akuntabilitas dalam rangka mewujudkan Good Governance menuntut organisasi publik meningkatkan kinerjanya dalam melayani masyarakat. Salah satu metode untuk...

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    Transparency and accountability in order to realize Good Governance requires public organizations to improve their performance in serving the community. One method for measuring performance is the Balanced Scorecard. Usually the method is carried out fo...
  • flag_indonesia 1 View


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui biaya penyelenggaraan pelayanan Perpustakaan Umum daerah di Kantor Perpustakaan dan Arsip Jakarta Pusat. Secara khusus...

    Description in English:

    This study aims to determine the cost of providing regional public library services at the Central Jakarta Library and Archives Office. Specifically, the items identified are the cost structure and the amount of unit costs for organizing regional public...
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