Title in English:
This data set shows mid-year population estimates by age group, sex and state, Malaysia, 2015. Population estimates is the calculated number of people living in an area as of a...Description in English:
This data set shows mid-year population estimates by age group, sex and state, Malaysia, 2015. Population estimates is the calculated number of people living in an area as of a specified point in time, usually July 1st. The estimated population is calcu... -
Title in English:
This data set shows mid-year population estimates by age group, sex and state, Malaysia, 2016. Population estimates is the calculated number of people living in an area as of a...Description in English:
This data set shows mid-year population estimates by age group, sex and state, Malaysia, 2016. Population estimates is the calculated number of people living in an area as of a specified point in time, usually July 1st. The estimated population is calcu... -
Title in English:
This data set shows mid-year population estimates by age group and sex, Malaysia, 2015. Population estimates is the calculated number of people living in an area as of a...Description in English:
This data set shows mid-year population estimates by age group and sex, Malaysia, 2015. Population estimates is the calculated number of people living in an area as of a specified point in time, usually July 1st. The estimated population is calculated u...