5 datasets found

Contents in English are mainly machine translated, may not reflect the exact meaning.

Categories: C. Population and society Tags: Healthcare

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  • flag_japan


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    [MT] In healthy life extension industry, in making a new industry creation, needs and seeds of matching has become an important issue. Therefore, in this study, market needs assessment, the current situation survey of information dissemination and colle...
  • flag_japan 2 Views


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    [MT] This report, washed out the needs of the user that there is the possibility of use of the health information, along with its organize the way of data format based on the results, for the collection, distribution, and utilization of methods and oper...
  • flag_japan 4 Views


    Title in English:



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    [MT] This report, the regional population and health, and support the business demonstrated that for the health care business creation in accordance with the actual situation, such as the financial situation, to create the success stories in each of the...
  • flag_japan 3 Views


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    [MT] This report, the regional population and health, and support the business demonstrated that for the health care business creation in accordance with the actual situation, such as the financial situation, to create the success stories in each class ...
  • flag_singapore 3 Views


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    This survey among adult Singaporeans tracks the performance of key HPB indicators. The health knowledge, attitude and practice of the general population were assessed. This...

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    This survey among adult Singaporeans tracks the performance of key HPB indicators. The health knowledge, attitude and practice of the general population were assessed. This survey has been discontinued since 2011.
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