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Title in English:
本調査は、日本コンクリート工業㈱が産学共同研究にて開発したCO2回収・固定と再利用(Mineral Carbon Capture and...Description in English:
[MT] The study, Nipponkonkuritokogyo Co., Ltd. CO2 recovery and fixed and re-use that was developed by the Collaborative Research (Mineral Carbon Capture and Utilization below, MCC & U) technology for introduction into Thailand's largest cement manufact... -
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Title in English:
本調査は、日本コンクリート工業㈱が産学共同研究にて開発したCO2回収・固定と再利用(Mineral Carbon Capture and...Description in English:
[MT] The study, Nipponkonkuritokogyo Co., Ltd. CO2 recovery and fixed and re-use that was developed by the Collaborative Research (Mineral Carbon Capture and Utilization below, MCC & U) technology for introduction into Thailand's largest cement manufact...