52 datasets found

Contents in English are mainly machine translated, may not reflect the exact meaning.

Licenses: Creative Commons Attribution Tags: kelantan

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    Title in English:


    Set data ini menunjukkan senarai Tokoh Hijratul Rasul Peringkat Negeri Kelantan.

    Description in English:

    [MT] This set of data shows the list of Kelantan Hijratul Rasul.
  • flag_malaysia 5 Views Popular


    Title in English:


    Set data ini mengandungi maklumat terimaan zakat oleh Majlis Agama Islam Kelantan (MAIK) mengikut jenis zakat yang telah di audit.

    Description in English:

    [MT] This data set contains zakat receipt information by the Kelantan Islamic Religious Council (MAIK) by the type of zakat that has been audited.
  • flag_malaysia 2 Views


    Title in English:


    Set Data ini menunjukkan tempat-tempat tarikan pelancong yang terdapat di Negeri Kelantan. Tempat-tempat menarik ini juga dikenali sebagai Produk Pelancongan Negeri Kelantan.

    Description in English:

    [MT] This set of data shows tourist attractions available in Kelantan. These attractions are also known as Kelantan State Tourism Products.
  • flag_malaysia 2 Views


    Title in English:


    Set data menunjukkan Rekod Sumbangan Dividen kepada Peserta Ladang Rakyat Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan.

    Description in English:

    [MT] The data set shows a record of dividend donations to Kelantan State Government Farmers.
  • flag_malaysia 1 View


    Title in English:


    Set data ini memaparkan statistik mengikut kategori tanaman untuk projek pertanian yang dilaksanakan Luar Kawasan Projek di Negeri Kelantan dibawah seliaan Jabatan Pertanian...

    Description in English:

    [MT] This data set displays statistics by plant category for agricultural projects implemented outside the project area in Kelantan under the supervision of the State Agriculture Department. Contains information on the number of participants, area of pl...
  • flag_malaysia


    Title in English:


    Set data ini memaparkan statistik mengikut kategori tanaman untuk projek pertanian yang dilaksanakan Dalam Kawasan Projek dan Luar Kawasan Projek di Negeri Kelantan dibawah...

    Description in English:

    [MT] This set of data displays statistics by plant category for agricultural projects implemented within the Project and Outdoor Project Area in Kelantan State under the supervision of the State Agriculture Department. Contains the number of participant...
  • flag_malaysia


    Title in English:


    Set data ini memaparkan statistik mengikut kategori tanaman untuk projek pertanian yang dilaksanakan Dalam Kawasan Projek di Negeri Kelantan dibawah seliaan Jabatan Pertanian...

    Description in English:

    [MT] This data set features statistics by plant categories for agricultural projects implemented within the Project area in Kelantan under the supervision of the State Agriculture Department. Contains information on the number of participants, area of p...
  • flag_malaysia 3 Views


    Title in English:


    Set data ini memaparkan statistik pinjaman pelajaran bagi pelajar yang mengikuti pengajian di luar negara oleh Yayasan Kelantan Darulnaim (YAKIN). Data yang senaraikan adalah...

    Description in English:

    [MT] This data set displays the loan statistics for students pursuing overseas studies by the Kelantan Darulnaim Foundation (confident). The data listed is by country, the name of the institution and the program of study, namely the degree and PhD.
  • flag_malaysia 2 Views


    Title in English:


    Set data memaparkan statistik pinjaman pelajaran bagi pelajar yang mengikuti pengajian di dalam negara oleh Yayasan Kelantan Darulnaim (YAKIN). Data mengikut institusi dan...

    Description in English:

    [MT] The data set displays a loan statistics for students pursuing studies within the country by the Kelantan Darulnaim Foundation (confident). Data according to institutions and programs of study ie certificates, diplomas, degrees, masters, PhDs. and o...
  • flag_malaysia 1 View


    Title in English:


    Set Data yang memaparkan statistik perceraian mengikut umur pasangan yang didaftarkan di Jabatan Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Kelantan.

    Description in English:

    [MT] The data set displaying divorce statistics at the age of couples registered at the Kelantan Islamic Religious Affairs Department.
  • flag_malaysia 4 Views


    Title in English:


    Statistik Permohonan Pendaftaran Hakmilik Baru, Pendaftaran Hak Milik Kekal Ganti Hak Milik Sementara dan Pendaftaran Hak Milik Sambungan di Pejabat Tanah dan Jajahan Pasir Mas,...

    Description in English:

    [MT] Statistics on New Title Registration Application Statistics, Registration of Titles Related Provide Temporary Titles and Registration of Connections Title at Pasir Mas Land and Colony Offices, Kelantan.
  • flag_malaysia 1 View


    Title in English:


    Data ini memaparkan statistik tahunan keluasan dan jumlah pengeluaran bagi semua jenis tanaman pertanian di Negeri Kelantan mengikut Daerah bagi projek pertanian dibawah seliaan...

    Description in English:

    [MT] This data displays annual statistics of breadth and total production of all types of agricultural crops in Kelantan by districts for agricultural projects under the supervision of the State Agriculture Department
  • flag_malaysia 1 View


    Title in English:


    Set Data ini menunjukkan jumlah kemasukan pelancong antarabangsa ke Negeri Kelantan mengikut Negara secara bulanan.

    Description in English:

    [MT] This data set shows the influx of international tourists to Kelantan by state on a monthly basis.
  • flag_malaysia 4 Views


    Title in English:


    Set data ini mengandungi statistik keluasan kawasan dan penghasilan tanaman sayur-sayuran seperti bayam, bendi, cili, cekur manis, daun bawang, daun saderi, kacang panjang,...

    Description in English:

    [MT] This set of data contains statistical area statistics and producing vegetables such as spinach, bendi, chili, sweet speech, onion leaves, celery leaves, long beans, beds, kangkung and others by colonies throughout Kelantan under the supervision of ...
  • flag_malaysia


    Title in English:


    Set data ini mengandungi statistik keluasan kawasan dan penghasilan tanaman ladang atau tanaman kontan seperti jagung manis, kacang tanah, keladi, tebu kuning, ubi kayu, ubi...

    Description in English:

    [MT] This set of data contains area statistics and production of plant crops or cash crops such as sweet corn, peanuts, yellow, yellow sugarcane, cassava, sweet potato and tubers by colonies throughout Kelantan under the supervision of the State Agricul...
  • flag_malaysia


    Title in English:


    Set data ini mengandungi statistik keluasan kawasan dan penghasilan tanaman industri seperti kelapa, pinang, koko, lada hitam, cendawan, getah, tebu dan madu mengikut jajahan di...

    Description in English:

    [MT] This set of data contains statistical area and production of industrial crops such as coconut, pinang, cocoa, black pepper, mushrooms, rubber, sugarcane and honey by colonies throughout Kelantan under the supervision of the State Agriculture Depart...
  • flag_malaysia 1 View


    Title in English:


    Set data ini mengandungi statistik keluasan kawasan dan penghasilan tanaman herba dan rempah ratus seperti jering, mas cotek, misai kucing, petai, serai wangi, gelenggang, kacip...

    Description in English:

    [MT] This set of data contains area statistics and production of herbs and spices such as Jering, Mas Cotek, Mustache Cats, Petai, Serai Wangi, Glashing, Kacip Fatimah and Tongkat Ali by colonies throughout Kelantan under the supervision of the State De...
  • flag_malaysia 2 Views


    Title in English:


    Set data ini mengandungi statistik keluasan kawasan dan penghasilan tanaman buah-buahan seperti belimbing, betik, cempedak, ciku, dokong, duku, durian, jambu batu, langsat,...

    Description in English:

    [MT] This set of data contains statistical area statistics and fruit crop production such as starfruit, papaya, cempedak, cock, dokong, duku, durian, guava, langsat, lime, mango, mangosteen, pitaya, pineapple, jackfruit and others by colony throughout t...
  • flag_malaysia


    Title in English:


    Set data yang menunjukkan statistik jumlah penerima sumbangan dibawah Skim Gerbang Azziwaaj bagi 45 DUN di Negeri Kelantan. Skim ini merupakan sumbangan perkahwinan sebanyak...

    Description in English:

    [MT] Set of data showing statistics on the number of recipients under the Azziwaaj Gate Scheme for 45 state constituencies in Kelantan. The scheme is a marriage contribution of RM1,000 given to applicants who meet the eligibility requirements and are op...
  • flag_malaysia


    Title in English:


    Set data ini menunjukkan premis/lot bangunan yang disewakan oleh Perbadanan Kemajuan Iktisad Negeri Kelantan (PKINK) serta bilangan penyewa semasa.

    Description in English:

    [MT] This set of data shows premise / building lot leased by Kelantan State Iktisad Development Corporation (PKINK) and the number of current tenants.
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