2 datasets found

Contents in English are mainly machine translated, may not reflect the exact meaning.

Licenses: custom-other Formats: PNG Catalogues: scidm.nchc.org.tw

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  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    中文描述:以NIH提供之影像進行說明 英文描述:dataset for testing and demo

    Description in English:

    [MT] Chinese description: English description with NiH: DataSet for testing and demo
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    Surveillance video captured by Multi-intensity infrared illuminator. GT(ground-truths) :bounding boxes of 'person' in channel 2,4 and 6 by following the Pascal VOC format....

    Description in English:

    Surveillance video captured by Multi-intensity infrared illuminator. >GT(ground-truths) :bounding boxes of 'person' in channel 2,4 and 6 by following the Pascal VOC format. ![Pathway2_3](https://scidm.nchc.org.tw/dataset/b64f0a28-7922-45c4-a090-448e9c78...
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