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This dataset has no description
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中文描述:以NIH提供之影像進行說明 英文描述:dataset for testing and demoDescription in English:
[MT] Chinese description: English description with NiH: DataSet for testing and demo -
Title in English:
該資料由 資訊分析與經濟效果研究實驗室提供 http://www.im.ntu.edu.tw/~lu/ RichWear dataset contains 321,698 street fashion images collected from wear.jp spanning from 2017 to 2019. All images are...Description in English:
[MT] - This information is provided by __ information analysis and economic effects research laboratory__ http://www.im.ntu.edu.tw/~lu/ Richwear Dataset Contains 321,698 Street Fashion Image Collected from Wear.jp Spanning from 2017 to 2019. All images ... -
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使用od api預先git下的模組約4.3GBDescription in English:
[MT] Use the module under Git using the OD API to about 4.3GB -
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The usage of the data set is unrestricted. However, it is recommended to cite our JMI 2018 paper and provide the link to our original download site in your paper. Please read...Description in English:
* The usage of the data set is unrestricted. However, it is recommended to cite our JMI 2018 paper and provide the link to our original download site in your paper.* Please read more detail in readme.pdf and FAQ.pdf* Please refer MD5_checksums.txt for m... -
Title in English:
Abstract: Overview 256 Object Categories + Clutter At least 80 images per category 30608 images instead of 9144 Caltech-101: Drawbacks Smallest category size is 31 images: Too...Description in English:
## Abstract:* Overview 256 Object Categories + Clutter At least 80 images per category 30608 images instead of 9144* Caltech-101: Drawbacks Smallest category size is 31 images: Too easy? left-right aligned Rotation artifacts Soon will saturate performan... -
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Title in English:
The 20 Newsgroups data set The 20 Newsgroups data set is a collection of approximately 20,000 newsgroup documents, partitioned (nearly) evenly across 20 different newsgroups. To...Description in English:
The 20 Newsgroups data setThe 20 Newsgroups data set is a collection of approximately 20,000 newsgroup documents, partitioned (nearly) evenly across 20 different newsgroups. To the best of my knowledge, it was originally collected by Ken Lang, probably ...