Title in English:
整理公告發布實施「變更臺中市都市計畫主要計畫(配合華南路以東銜接向上路工程)」都市計劃書、圖,並自110年10月27日零時起生效,請以原公告資訊為準Description in English:
[MT] The announcement of the announcement and implementation of the "Change the Taichung City City Plan Main Plan (Cooperate with the East of South China Road to the Employment Project)" urban plan and picture, and take effect from 00:00 on October 27, ... -
Title in English:
整理發布實施「擬定梨山風景特定區計畫(梨山地區、新佳陽地區、環山地區) 細部計畫案」計劃書、圖,並自110年5月5日起生效,請以原公告資訊為準Description in English:
[MT] Sort out and implement the "Details of Lishan Scenic Specific District (Lishan area, Xinjiayang area, Huanshan area) details" plan and implementation. Information -based -
Title in English:
整理發布實施「擬定后里都市計畫(森林園區)細部計畫案」計劃書、圖,並自110年1月23日零時起生效,請以原公告資訊為準Description in English:
[MT] Sort out and implement the "Detailed Plan for the Liberal Metropolitan Plan (Forest Park)" plan and picture, and take effect from 00:00 on January 23, 110. Please refer to the original announcement information. -
Title in English:
整理公告發布實施「變更臺中市都市計畫(四張犂地區)細部計畫(配合北屯區仁德段1115地號等5筆土地容積調派調整部分第二種住宅區為第三種住宅區)案」都市計劃書、圖,並自111年3月18日零時起生效,請以原公告資訊為準Description in English:
[MT] The announcement of the announcement and implementation of the "Change of the Taichung City City Plan (Four Zhangli Area) details (with the Rende Section 1115 area number 1115 place in Beitun District, the second residential area is the third resid... -
Title in English:
整理發布實施「變更臺中市都市計畫主要計畫(不包括大坑風景區)(第三次通盤檢討)(110年第3季申請變更住宅區為商業區)案」計劃書、圖,並自110年12月17日零時起生效,請以原公告資訊為準Description in English:
[MT] Corresponding to the implementation of the "Main Plan for Change the Taichung City City Plan (excluding the Dakeng Scenic Area) (the Third Pass Review) (the third quarter of the 110s, apply for the change of the residential area as the commercial d... -
Title in English:
整理發布實施「變更臺中市東勢都市計畫細部計畫(部分住宅區為滯洪池用地)(配合新盛自辦市地重劃)案」計劃書、圖,並自111年1月17日起生效,請以原公告資訊為準Description in English:
[MT] Corresponding to the implementation of the "Change of the Details of Taichung's Dongshi Metropolitan City Plan (some residential areas are the land for flood stagnation ponds) (in conjunction with Xin Sheng's self -run city and land redevelopment),... -
Title in English:
整理發布實施「擬定臺中市神岡地區都市計畫細部計畫(配合銀泰科技股份有限公司擴廠)案」計劃書、圖,並自110年3月11日起生效,請以原公告資訊為準Description in English:
[MT] Sort out and implement the "Drawing Details Plan of the Metropolitan Plan for Taichung City (Cooperation Factory Expansion Factory)" plan and picture, and take effect from March 11, 110. -
Title in English:
整理發布實施「變更中部科學工業園區台中基地附近特定區計畫(部分農業區變更為零星工業區)(配合喬山健康科技股份有限公司擴廠)細部計畫」都市計劃書、圖,並自110年5月5日零時起生效,請以原公告資訊為準Description in English:
[MT] Corresponding to the implementation of the "Details of the Central Science and Industry Park in the Taichung Base in the Central Science and Industrial Park (change to some agricultural areas to sporadic industrial zones) (in conjunction with Qiaos... -
Title in English:
整理發布實施「變更臺中市都市計畫主要計畫(不包括大坑風景區)(第三次通盤檢討)(110年第4季申請變更住宅區為商業區)案」計劃書、圖,並自111年3月18日零時起生效,請以原公告資訊為準Description in English:
[MT] Corresponding to the implementation of the "Main Plan for Change the Taichung City City Plan (excluding the Dakeng Scenic Area) (the Third Pass Review) (the 4th Season 4 Application of the Residential Area as the Commercial District)," Effective fr... -
Title in English:
整理發布實施「變更臺中市都市計畫主要計畫(第四次通盤檢討)(第四階段)案」計劃書、圖,並自110年6月30日零時起生效,請以原公告資訊為準Description in English:
[MT] The plan and picture of the "Change of the Taichung City City Plan (Fourth Pass Review) (Fourth Phase) Case" plan and implementation of the plan and implementation of the plan and implementation, and the picture will take effect from 00:00 on June ... -
Title in English:
整理發布實施「變更臺中市都市計畫主要計畫(不包括大坑風景區)(第三次通盤檢討)(109年第4季申請變更住宅區為商業區)案」計劃書、圖,並自110年3月8日零時起生效,請以原公告資訊為準Description in English:
[MT] Corresponding to the implementation of the "Main Plan for Change the Taichung City City Plan (excluding the Dakeng Scenic Area) (the Third Pass Review) (the 4th Season of 109 Application for the Change of the residential area as the business distri... -
Title in English:
整理發布實施「變更臺中市都市計畫主要計畫(不包括大坑風景區)(第三次通盤檢討)(110年第1季申請變更住宅區為商業區)案」計劃書、圖,並自110年8月19日零時起生效,請以原公告資訊為準Description in English:
[MT] Corresponding to the implementation of the "Main Plan for Change the Taichung City City Plan (excluding the Dakeng Scenic Area) (the Third Pass Review) (the first season of the first quarter of the residential area as the commercial district) case,... -
Title in English:
整理發布實施「變更烏日都市計畫細部計畫(第一次通盤檢討)(第一階段)案」計劃書、圖,自111年1月6日零時起生效,請以原公告資訊為準Description in English:
[MT] The planning and implementation of the "Change Uri Metropolitan Planning Details (First Top Care Review) (First stage) Case" plan and picture, from 00:00 on January 6, 111, please take the original announcement information as the information as the... -
Title in English:
整理發布實施「變更梨山風景特定區主要計畫(梨山地區、新佳陽地區、環山地區) (第四次通盤檢討)案」計劃書、圖,並自110年5月5日起生效,請以原公告資訊為準Description in English:
[MT] Sort out and implement the "Change Lishan Scenic Specific District (Lishan area, Xinjiayang area, Huanshan area) in the specific area of Lishan Scenic Scenic Area" (Fourth Tongshan Review) Plan and Figures. Please refer to the original announcement... -
Title in English:
整理發布實施「變更臺中市都市計畫(舊有市區及一至五期市地重劃地區)細部計畫(配合北區乾溝子段79地號等18筆土地容積調派調整部分第一種商業區為第四種商業區)案」都市計劃書、圖,並自111年2月16日零時起生效,請以原公告資訊為準Description in English:
[MT] Organize and implement the "Change of Taichung City City Plan (Old City and 1st to 5th Phase 5 cities reorganized) details (in conjunction with 18 land volume adjustment parts such as the 79th place number in the North District The district is the ... -
Title in English:
整理發布實施「變更臺中市都市計畫(舊有市區及一至五期市地重劃地區)細部計畫(配合北區賴厝廍段353-1地號土地容積調派調整部分第二種住宅區為第五種住宅區)案」都市計劃書、圖,並自110年9月24日零時起生效,請以原公告資訊為準Description in English:
[MT] The details of the "Change the Taichung City City Plan (Old City and the 1st to 5th Phase 5 cities reorganized) details (in conjunction with the Laizhang section 353-1 of the Lai District of Beibei District The district is the fifth residential are... -
Title in English:
整理發布實施「變更臺中市都市計畫主要計畫(不包括大坑風景區)(第三次通盤檢討)(110年第2季申請變更住宅區為商業區)案」計劃書、圖,並自110年9月14日零時起生效,請以原公告資訊為準Description in English:
[MT] Corresponding to the implementation of the "Main Plan for Change the Taichung City City Plan (excluding the Dakeng Scenic Area) (the Third Pass Review) (the third season of the second quarter of the residential area is the commercial district) case... -
Title in English:
整理發布實施「變更大肚都市計畫(部分河川區為河川區兼供道路使用)(配合臺中大肚-彰化和美跨河橋梁工程)案」都市計劃書、圖,並自111年2月22日零時起生效,請以原公告資訊為準Description in English:
[MT] Corresponding to the implementation of the "Change of the Da Ban City Plan (some river areas are the riverist district and the road for use) (in conjunction with the Taichung Big Belly-Changhua and Mei Cross Hideland Bridge Project)," Effective fro... -
Title in English:
整理發布實施「變更臺中市大平霧地區都市計畫主要計畫(機關用地為農會專用區)(配合中華民國農會總部改建計畫)案」都市計劃書、圖,並自111年1月14日零時起生效,請以原公告資訊為準Description in English:
[MT] Corresponding to the main plan of the "Change of the Metropolitan Plan of Taichung City Dadingwu District (the land used by the government is a special zone for the Agricultural Association) (in conjunction with the reconstruction plan of the Repub... -
Title in English:
整理發布實施「擬定臺中市豐原地區都市計畫(配合東龍工業股份有限公司擴廠)細部計畫案」計劃書、圖,並自111年1月25日起生效,請以原公告資訊為準Description in English:
[MT] Sort out and implement the "Drawing Detailed Plan for the Plan of the Fengyuan District of Taichung City (in conjunction with Donglong Industrial Co., Ltd.) details" plan and picture, and take effect from January 25, 111. Please refer to the origin...