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  • flag_malaysia 2 Views


    Title in English:


    Matriks Penguatkuasaan Bersepadu antara Agensi Kerajaan (Penguatkuasaan LMO / Bukan LMO) berkaitan pemantauan aktiviti melibatkan LMO antara Jabatan Biokeselamatan dengan: i)...

    Description in English:

    [MT] Matrix Integrated Enforcement between the Government agencies (Enforcement LMO / Non-LMO) regarding the monitoring of activities involving LMO between the Department of Biosafety with: i) the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro Taniii) Department Mala...
  • flag_malaysia 3 Views


    Title in English:


    Matriks Penguatkuasaan Bersepadu antara Agensi Kerajaan (Penguatkuasaan LMO / Bukan LMO) berkaitan dengan mikroorganisma LMO yang patogenik kepada tumbuhan, manusia, haiwan,...

    Description in English:

    [MT] Matrix Integrated Enforcement between the Government agencies (Enforcement LMO / Non-LMO) related to LMO microorganisms pathogenic to plants, humans, animals, fish and the environment. Regulatory importation of microorganisms LMO by the Department ...
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