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Title in English:
Dataset ini berisi mengenai Kunjungan Wisatawan Mancanegara yang Datang ke DKI Jakarta dan Indonesia. Penjelasan mengenai variabel pada Dataset ini: tahun: tahun pendataan...Description in English:
[MT] This dataset is about the visit of foreign tourists who come to DKI Jakarta and Indonesia. Videce about the variables on this dataset: 1. Year: Collection year2. DKI_Jakarta: tourist visits to DKI Jakarta (per person) 3. Indonesia: tourist visits t... -
Title in English:
本資料集內容包含105至106學年度印尼僑生錄取分發大學校院人數。Description in English:
[MT] This data set contains the contents of 105-106 academic year, the number of Indonesian overseas students admitted distributing large school hospital. -
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Title in English:
Dataset ini berisi mengenai Data Indeks Pembangunan Manusia Menurut Provinsi di Indonesia. Penjelasan mengenai variabel pada Dataset ini: tahun : tahun pendataan provinsi :...Description in English:
[MT] This dataset contains the Human Development Index Data by Province in Indonesia.Penjelasan the variables in this dataset: 1. year: pendataan2 year. province: Indonesia3 province name. index: the index of human development -
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Title in English:
協助廠商瞭解印尼投資環境,包括自然人文環境、經濟環境、外商在當地經營現況及投資機會、投資法規及程序、租稅及金融制度、基礎建設等。Description in English:
[MT] Indonesia to help manufacturers understand the investment environment, including the human and natural environment, economic environment, the status of foreign investors in the local business and investment opportunities, investment regulations and... -
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Title in English:
供臺商印尼當地醫療器材市場商機、產業政策、臺商產業聚落、當地競爭對手分析及臺商布局建議等資訊,作為投資布局之參考。Description in English:
[MT] Taiwanese medical equipment for local Indonesian market opportunities, industrial policy, Taiwanese industry clusters, local Taiwanese competitor analysis and layout recommendations and other information, as a reference layout of the investment.