Title in English:
提供資料包括:計畫編號、工程序號、計畫中文名稱、計畫年度_民國年、核定日期_民國年、核定金額_元、核銷日期_民國年、核銷金額_元等欄位資訊。Description in English:
[MT] Provide information, including: project number, project number, project Chinese name, the Republic of China _ the annual plan, approved date _ the Republic of China, the approved amount _ yuan write-off date _ the Republic of China, Yuan and other ... -
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Title in English:
農村社區內之在地組織及團體應依據社區居民需求,以農村社區為計畫範圍,經共同討論後擬訂農村再生計畫,並互推其中依法立案之單一組織或團體為代表(以下簡稱社區組織代表),將該農村再生計畫報直轄市或縣(市)主管機關核定。前項農村再生計畫核定前,對前項社區組織代表有異議或同一農村社區範圍提出二個以上農村再生計畫者,直轄市、縣(市)主管機關應協助整合或由該農村社區...Description in English:
[MT] Within the rural community organizations and groups in the community should be based on the needs of residents, rural community project scope, after jointly discuss the development of rural regeneration plan, and push each single organization or gr...