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Formats: XLS Tags: police

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  • flag_malaysia 2 Views


    Title in English:


    Statistik pencapaian masa tindak balas polis (MERS999)

    Description in English:

    [MT] Police response time statistics (MERS999)
  • flag_malaysia 3 Views


    Title in English:


    Direktori PDRM yang mengandungi senarai nama, nombor telefon, nombor faks, email dan alamat Ibu Pejabat Polis, Ibu Pejabat Polis Negeri (IPK), Balai Polis dan Pondok Polis...

    Description in English:

    The PDRM directory contains a list of names, phone numbers, fax numbers, emails and addresses of Police Headquarters, State Police Headquarters (GPA), Police stations and police stations throughout the country.
You can also access this registry using the API (see API Docs).