Title in English:
臺中市91年留存GIS門牌號碼shp檔案,範圍僅原台中市範圍八個行政區,供收存為歷史資料。Description in English:
[MT] Taichung City retained the GIS house number SHP file in 1991. The scope of only eight administrative districts in Taichung City was used for historical data. -
Title in English:
臺中市三千分之一地形圖CAD檔案,是約87至89年的1/1000地形圖案所附帶產生的CAD圖資檔案,以都發局三千分之一約129張圖幅方式切割,圖資範圍僅限原始台中市範圍,因年代已久,相關內容已不可考,僅留存圖資作為"典藏資料",供以後參考。Description in English:
[MT] The CAD file of a topographic map of 3,000ths of Taichung City is the CAD map file generated by the 1000 terrain patterns of about 87 to 89. The scope of the map is limited to the scope of the original Taichung city. Because of the long time, the r... -
Title in English:
臺中市道路_GIS檔案_初版,是約87至89年的原台中市區辦理1/1000地形圖案產生,利用原始1/1000 CAD檔案,轉繪為道路GIS圖層shp檔案,圖資範圍僅限原始台中市八個行政區範圍,因年代已久,相關內容已不太可考,僅留存圖資作為原台中市第一版道路GIS檔案"典藏資料",供以後參考。Description in English:
[MT] Taichung City Road_GIS Archives_ The first edition is the original Taichung urban area of about 87 to 89. The scope of the eight administrative districts of the original Taichung City, because of the long time, the relevant content is not available... -
Title in English:
臺中市92年當時原台中市範圍八個行政區之GIS門牌號碼shp檔案,TWD97,年代已久遠,留存作為歷史資料使用。Description in English:
[MT] In 1992, Taichung City's GIS house number SHP file in eight administrative districts in Taichung City at that time, TWD97, has been a long time, retention as historical data. -
Title in English:
臺中市公用事業網路,是約87至89年的1/1000地形圖案所附帶產生的圖資,為航照後產生,未經地面修測,其名稱"公用事業網路"是沿用當時的1/1000圖層名稱,內容並非道路資訊,而是1/1000案所附帶產生的各類人手孔圖資,此檔案後來並未隨台中市公共管線資料案的發展而更新,而是保留原檔案,因年代已久,相關內容已不可考,僅留存圖資作為"典藏資料",供以後參考。Description in English:
[MT] Taichung City Public Utilities Network is a map generated by the 1000 terrain patterns of 1/1000 in about 87 to 89. It is generated after the aircraft. Without ground repair, its name "Public Utilities Network" was used at the time 1/1000 layer nam... -
Title in English:
臺中市門牌號碼GIS檔案shp檔,約於87-89製作,90年版本,範圍僅有原台中市區域,是臺中市GIS門牌的第一個最早留存版本,因年代已久,相關資訊已不易考察,留存檔案供作典藏使用。Description in English:
[MT] Taichung City House number GIS File SHP file, about 87-89, 90-year version, only the original Taichung city area. It is the first earliest retention version of the GIS house number of Taichung City. Because of the long time, the relevant informatio... -
Title in English:
臺中市植物覆蓋資訊shp檔案,範圍只有原台中市八區,分有兩個檔案,一個是約87至89年的1/1000地形圖案產生的植物覆蓋圖資,另一個是921_1/1000案(約 89至90年,範圍軍功路以東)產生的植物覆蓋圖資,以上檔案後來都未更新,因年代已較久,相關內容已難以蒐集、不可考,僅留存兩份植物覆蓋圖資作為"典藏資料"Description in English:
[MT] Taichung plant plants cover information SHP files. The scope is only the eight districts of the original Taichung City. There are two files, one is the plant coverage of plant coverage generated by 1/1000 in 87 to 89, and the other is the 921_1/100... -
Title in English:
臺中市建物_GIS檔案_初版,是約87至89年的原台中市區辦理1/1000地形圖案產生,利用原始1/1000 CAD檔案,轉繪為GIS建物圖層,圖資範圍僅限原始台中市範圍,因年代已久,相關內容已不可考,僅留存圖資作為原台中市第一版建物GIS檔案,"典藏資料",供以後參考。Description in English:
[MT] Taichung City Building_GIS Archives_ The first edition is the original Taichung urban area of about 87 to 89. Due to the long time, the relevant content is not available because of the long time. Only the capital is left as the first edition of the... -
Title in English:
臺中市都市計畫_GIS檔案_初版,是約87至89年的原台中市區辦理1/1000地形圖案產生的都市計畫GIS圖層,圖資範圍僅限原始台中市八個行政區範圍,因年代已久,相關內容已不可考,難以考察,僅留存圖資作為原台中市第一版都市計畫GIS檔案"典藏資料",供以後參考。Description in English:
[MT] The Taichung City Urban Plan_GIS Archives_ The first edition is the urban plan GIS layer generated by the original Taichung urban area of about 87 to 89. For a long time, the relevant content is no longer available, and it is difficult to examine. ... -
Title in English:
一萬分之一數值航照地形圖圖幅_DWG_87年_原臺中市最早產生的1/10000地形圖版本,TWD67座標Description in English:
[MT] Ten thousand voyages of the topographic diagram_dwg_87 year_ The earliest 1/10000 topographic version of Taichung City, TWD67 label -
Title in English:
三千分之一數值航照地形圖圖幅DWG_87年_原臺中市最早產生的1/3000地形圖版本,TWD67座標Description in English:
[MT] One of the three thousand voyages of the terrain map DWG_87_87_ The earliest 1/3000 topographic version of Taichung City, TWD67 label