3 datasets found

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    Title in English:


    Pemberian vitamin A/retinol pada bayi terlibat dalam pembentukan, produksi, dan pertumbuhan sel darah merah, sel limfosit, antibodi juga integritas sel epitel pelapis tubuh....

    Description in English:

    [MT] Giving vitamin A / retinol in infants involved in the creation, production, and the growth of red blood cells, lymphocytes, epithelial cell integrity antibody also tubuh.Adapun vitamin Ajuga coatings can prevent night blindness, xerophthalmia, corn...
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    Kunjungan Neonatus merupakan salah satu intervensi untuk menurunkan kematian bayi baru lahir (Depkes RI, 2009) dengan melakukan Kunjungan Neonatal yang dikumpulkan menurut...

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    [MT] Neonates visit is one of the interventions to reduce newborn deaths (MOH, 2009) by making a visit Neonatal collected by sex perkecamatan and clinics in Pati Regency 2020
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    Jaminan Kesehatan yaitu program jaminan sosial yang diselenggarakan secara nasional berdasarkan prinsip asuransi sosial dan prinsip ekuitas

    Description in English:

    [MT] Health Insurance is a social insurance program organized nationally by the social insurance principle and the principle of equity
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