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Title in English:
本資料集提供藥品詳細處方成分資料,並每週與藥證業務管理系統同步,藉此提供醫師、藥師、醫護人員、業者、民眾等使用者使用。Description in English:
[MT] This data set provides a detailed prescription pharmaceutical ingredient information, and weekly sync with the drug card business management system, thereby providing users use physicians, pharmacists, health care, industry, the public and so on. -
Title in English:
本資料集提供藥品外觀資料,並每週與藥證業務管理系統同步,藉此提供醫師、藥師、醫護人員、業者、民眾等使用者使用。Description in English:
[MT] This data set provides information on drug appearance, and weekly sync with the drug card business management system, thereby providing users use physicians, pharmacists, health care, industry, the public and so on. -
Title in English:
本資料集提供藥品仿單或外盒資料,並每週與藥證業務管理系統同步,藉此提供醫師、藥師、醫護人員、業者、民眾等使用者使用。Description in English:
[MT] This data set provides information on drugs imitation of one or carton, and a weekly sync with the drug card business management system, thereby providing users use physicians, pharmacists, health care, industry, the public and so on. -
Title in English:
本資料集提供藥物化粧品檢驗機構認證審議小組委員名單,藉此提供學術單位、業者、民眾等使用者使用。Description in English:
[MT] This data set provides a list of approved drugs cosmetic inspection agency review group members, thereby providing academic institutions, industry, the public and other users. -
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Title in English:
本資料集擷取自各縣市衛生局登錄之藥品廣告處辦紀錄,可顯示欄位以系統開放者為限,惟本資料集可能因後續修正裁量而有所變動,亦不代表處分主體之產品為違法,請審慎採參。Description in English:
[MT] This data set retrieved from drug advertising sign in at the county and city health bureau office records, display the field open to those systems is limited, but this data set may be subject to change due to subsequent amendments discretion, it do... -
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Title in English:
本資料集擷取自各縣市衛生局登錄之醫療器材廣告處辦紀錄,可顯示欄位以系統開放者為限,惟本資料集可能因後續修正裁量而有所變動,亦不代表處分主體之產品為違法,請審慎採參。Description in English:
[MT] This data set retrieved from the medical device advertising sign in at the county and city health bureau office records, display the field open to those systems is limited, but this data set may be subject to change due to subsequent amendments dis... -
Title in English:
本資料集提供罕見疾病藥物資料庫系統的藥物年報,藉此提供學術單位、業者、民眾等使用者使用。Description in English:
[MT] This data set provides annual pharmaceutical drugs for rare diseases database system, thereby providing academic institutions, industry, the public and other users.