Title in English:
This dataset shows the GDP by Type of Expenditure at Current Prices - Percentage share to GDP, 2012 - 2022 (Q1) (Quarterly) Footnote: * Includes statistical discrepancyDescription in English:
This dataset shows the GDP by Type of Expenditure at Current Prices - Percentage share to GDP, 2012 - 2022 (Q1) (Quarterly)Footnote:* Includes statistical discrepancy -
Title in English:
This dataset shows the GDP by Type of Expenditure at Current Prices - Percentage change from corresponding quarter of preceding year, 2012 - 2022 (Q1) (Quarterly) Footnote: *...Description in English:
This dataset shows the GDP by Type of Expenditure at Current Prices - Percentage change from corresponding quarter of preceding year, 2012 - 2022 (Q1) (Quarterly)Footnote:* Includes statistical discrepancy -
Title in English:
This dataset shows the GDP by Type of Expenditure at Constant Prices - Percentage share to GDP, 2012 - 2022 (Q1) (Quarterly) Footnote: * Includes statistical discrepancyDescription in English:
This dataset shows the GDP by Type of Expenditure at Constant Prices - Percentage share to GDP, 2012 - 2022 (Q1) (Quarterly)Footnote:* Includes statistical discrepancy -
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2012年國立故宮博物院參觀人數Description in English:
[MT] National Palace Museum in 2012 the number of visitors -
1 View
Title in English:
Data ini berisi No,Nama Pemilik,Jenis Usaha,Lokasi Tempat,Alamat Pemilik Usaha,Keterangan, Sumber Modal Usaha Kelurahan Mariana Kecamatan Pontianak KotaDescription in English:
[MT] This data contains no, owner's name, type of business, location location, address of business owner, information, source of mariana village capital sub-district Pontianak city -
1 View
Title in English:
Dataset ini berisi mengenai Data Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) Sektor Pariwisata Provinsi DKI Jakarta Penjelasan mengenai Variabel pada Dataset ini: bulan : Bulan pajak_hotel :...Description in English:
[MT] This dataset contains regarding local revenue data (PAD) of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Tourism Sector, the plan for the variables on this dataset: 1. Moon: months. tax_hotel: tax hotel3. Tax_Restaurant: restaurant tax4. TAX_FIRONS: Entertainment ta... -
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Title in English:
Datashet Data Neraca Aset RSUD Kelet Tahun 2012Description in English:
[MT] Datashet data balance sheet asset rsud in 2012 -
Title in English:
DATA LUAS WILAYAH KECAMATAN DEMAK DIRINCI PERDESA TAHUN 2012 deskripsi data nama desa/kelurahan luas (km2) presentase (%)Description in English:
[MT] The area of the area of Demak Subdistrict Detailed Perdesa in 2012 Description Data Name Village / Village Area (KM2) Presentage (%) -
Title in English:
DATA LUAS TANAH SAWAH DAN TANAH KERING DIRINCI PERDESA DI KECAMATAN DEMAK TAHUN 2012 deskripsi data nama desa/kelurahan tanah sawah (Ha) Tanah Kering (Ha) JumlahDescription in English:
[MT] Data on the fields of rice fields and dry land in Perdesa in the Demak sub-district of 2012 Description of Data Name of Village / Keurahlandanah Sawah (HA) Dry Land (HA) Amount -
Title in English:
DATA LUAS TANAH BENGKOK DAN KAS DESA DI KECAMATAN DEMAK TAHUN 2012 deskripsi data nama desa/kelurahan tanah bengkok (Ha) Kas Desa (Ha)Description in English:
[MT] Data on crooked land and village treasures in Demak sub-district in 2012 Description of Datanama Village / Keurahlanto Ha Crooked (HA) Kas Village (HA) -
1 View
Title in English:
Dataset ini memuat Informasi Luas Panen Komoditas Tanaman Pangan AcehDescription in English:
[MT] This dataset contains broad information on the harvest of the Acehn Food Crop Commodity -
Title in English:
DATA LUAS PANEN DAN PRODUKSI PADI SAWAH DI KECAMATAN DEMAK TAHUN 2012 deskripsi data jenis tanaman tambah tanah (Ha) panen kotor (Ha) Panen bersih (Ha) Rata-rata (Kw/Ha)...Description in English:
[MT] Data on harvest and rice field production in Demak sub-district of 2012 Datijenisent type land (HA) Gross Harvest (HA) Harvest (HA) Average (HA) Average (KW / HA) Clean Production (Tons) -
Title in English:
Datasheet Data Kunjungan Rawat Jalan RSUD Kelet Bedasarkan Jenis Kelamin Tahun 2012Description in English:
[MT] Datasheet Data Outpatient Visit Hospital RSUD Ketet Based on Gender in 2012 -
Title in English:
Datasheet Data Kunjungan Rawat Jalan RSUD Kelet Bedasarkan Jenis Bayar Tahun 2012Description in English:
[MT] Datasheet Data Outpatient Visit Hospital RSUD Veterals based on the type of paid in 2012 -
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Title in English:
Datasheet Data Kunjungan Rawat Jalan RSUD Kelet Bedasarkan Baru Lama Tahun 2012Description in English:
[MT] Datasheet Data Outpatient Visit Hospital RSUD Veterals Based on New Long Year 2012 -
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Title in English:
Datasheet Data Kunjungan Rawat Inap RSUD Kelet Bedasarkan Jenis Kelamin Tahun 2012Description in English:
[MT] Datasheet data on hospitalization visits hospitals based on the sex of 2012 -
Title in English:
Datasheet Data Kunjungan Rawat Inap RSUD Kelet Bedasarkan Jenis Bayar Tahun 2012Description in English:
[MT] Datasheet Data from hospitalization of hospitalization foreters based on the type of paid in 2012 -
1 View
Title in English:
Datasheet Data Kunjungan Rawat Inap RSUD Kelet Bedasarkan Baru Lama Tahun 2012Description in English:
[MT] Datasheet Data Visit of Inpatient Hospital RSUD Veterinary Based New Year 2012 -
Title in English:
Datasheet Data Kunjungan Rawat IGD RSUD Kelet Bedasarkan Jenis Bayar Tahun 2012Description in English:
[MT] Datasheet Data Attendance Visit IGD RSUD Veterals based on the type of paid in 2012 -
1 View
Title in English:
Datasheet Data Kunjungan Rawat IGD RSUD Kelet Bedasarkan Baru Lama Tahun 2012Description in English:
[MT] Datasheet Data from the EDUDA Rawud Visit RSUD Veterals Based on New Long Year 2012