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Data Jumlah Sarana Angkut Sampah dan Tinja Air Kotor Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Penjelasan mengenai Variabel pada Dataset ini: tahun : tahun pendataan sarana angkut : jenis sarana...Description in English:
[MT] Data from the number of garbage transport facilities and dirty water stool province of DKI Jakarta. The plan for the variable on this dataset: 1. Year: Currency year2. Transportation facilities: Types of transportation facilities recorded. Amount: ... -
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تُظهر مجموعة البيانات هذه الشحن الجوي الذي تم تحميله في مطارات أبوظبي حسب السنة والمنطقة المقصودةDescription in English:
[MT] The data set shows this air freight downloaded at Abu Dhabi airports by year and the intended area -
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Dataset ini berisi mengenai Daftar Nama Pekerja Lepas Penanganan Sampah Badan Air Taman Dan Jalur Hijau Provinsi DKI Jakarta Tahun 2015 Penjelasan mengenai Variabel pada Dataset...Description in English:
[MT] This dataset contains the list of names of employees Lepas Waste Management Water Agency and the Green Line Park Jakarta Year 2015Penjelasan of variables in this dataset: 1. nama_pekerja_lepas: Full Name Lepas2. department / project: Department or ... -
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Set data ini menunjukkan kadar penggunaan air dan hasil kutipan mengikut daerah di Negeri Sembilan dari tahun 2011 hingga 2019. Hasil tambah mungkin berbeza kerana perbundaran....Description in English:
[MT] This data set shows the rate of water consumption and proceeds according to the district in the state from 2011 to 2019. The sum may differ due perbundaran.Set The data obtained from Syarikat Air Negeri Sembilan (SCIENCE) for reporting purposes in ... -
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Wisata Curug. Destinasi pariwisata Kabupaten Batang tidak hanya meliputi pantai, perkebunan serta kuliner namun Curug atau Air Terjun pun turut mendominasi sektor pariwisata...Description in English:
[MT] Curug. Batang tourism destination not only include beaches, plantations and culinary but Curug or Niagara also helped dominate the tourism sector in Batang -
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The dataset shows the recorded air temperature (absolute minimum/maximum and average minimum/maximum) distributed by month for Abu Dhabi in 2016.Description in English:
The dataset shows the recorded air temperature (absolute minimum/maximum and average minimum/maximum) distributed by month for Abu Dhabi in 2016. -
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This dataset reveals the per capita air pollutant total discharges from oil and gas sector in (tons) for 2016Description in English:
This dataset reveals the per capita air pollutant total discharges from oil and gas sector in (tons) for 2016 -
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This dataset shows the air cargo Discharged at Abu Dhabi airports by year and region of destinationDescription in English:
This dataset shows the air cargo Discharged at Abu Dhabi airports by year and region of destination -
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Banyaknya Pelanggan PAM Menurut Kelasnya per Desa di Kec. Bantarbolang, 2015Description in English:
[MT] Number of Customers PAM According Class per village in the district. Bantarbolang, 2015