11 datasets found

Contents in English are mainly machine translated, may not reflect the exact meaning.

Tags: Measles

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  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:



    Description in English:

    The statistical table of determined cases on different area, age and gender.( Statistics by Date of Confirmation)
  • flag_uae 3 Views


    Title in English:


    تعرض مجموعة البيانات حوادث مرضية مصنفة حسب نوع المرض والعمر والمعدل لكل 100،000 نسمة

    Description in English:

    [MT] The data set displays satisfactory accidents classified by the type of disease, age and rate per 100,000
  • flag_uae 3 Views


    Title in English:


    معدلات الإصابة بالأمراض السارية حسب الفئة العمرية و الجنسية لكل 100،000 نسمة

    Description in English:

    [MT] Injured disease rates by age and nationality per 100,000
  • flag_indonesia 1 View


    Title in English:


    Dataset ini berisikan hasil CAPAIAN IMUNISASI BOSTER (LANJUTAN) CAMPAK PADA ANAK USIA 24-36 BULAN per Puskesmas di Pemerintah Kota Pontianak

    Description in English:

    [MT] This dataset contains the results IMMUNIZATION ACHIEVEMENT booster (CONTINUED) MEASLES IN CHILDREN AGES 24-36 MONTHS per health center in Pontianak City Government
  • flag_uae 1 View


    Title in English:


    تعرض مجموعة البيانات حوادث الأمراض المعدية المصنفة حسب نوع المرض والعمر

    Description in English:

    [MT] Data set displays infectious diseases classified by type and age
  • flag_uae 1 View


    Title in English:


    تعرض مجموعة البيانات حوادث الأمراض المعدية المصنفة حسب نوع المرض والعمر والجنسية

    Description in English:

    [MT] Data group displays infectious diseases classified by disease, age and nationality
  • flag_uae 2 Views


    Title in English:


    The dataset presents the incidentences of communicable diseases, disaggregated by district *means: there were no indigenous cases, all were imported

    Description in English:

    The dataset presents the incidentences of communicable diseases, disaggregated by district*means: there were no indigenous cases, all were imported
  • flag_uae 2 Views


    Title in English:


    تعرض مجموعة البيانات معدل الإصابة (لكل 100،000 شخص) من الأمراض المعدية المصنفة حسب نوع المرض والمنطقة.

    Description in English:

    [MT] The data set displays the infection rate (per 100,000 people) from infectious diseases classified by type of disease and area.
  • flag_indonesia 3 Views


    Title in English:


    Dataset ini berisi tentang Cakupan Imunisasi DPT-HB/DPT-HB-HIB, Polio, Campak, Dan Imunisasi Dasar Lengkap Pada Bayi Menurut Jenis Kelamin Kecamatan Dan Puskesmas Kabupaten...

    Description in English:

    [MT] This dataset contains Immunization Coverage DPT-HB / DPT-HB-Hib, Polio, Measles, And Complete Basic Immunization in Infants According to Gender And Health Center District of Pekalongan
  • flag_uae 2 Views


    Title in English:


    تعرض مجموعة البيانات الأمراض المسجلة التي يتم الإبلاغ عنها في مراكز الصحة المدرسية التي يتم توزيعها حسب المرض والمنطقة

    Description in English:

    [MT] Data Group displays recorded diseases that are reported in school health centers distributed by disease and region
  • flag_uae 4 Views


    Title in English:


    تعرض مجموعة البيانات التحصين والتغطية في المراكز الصحية المدرسية الموزعة حسب نوع التحصين والمقاطعة

    Description in English:

    [MT] The data collection and coverage in school health centers displaced depending on the type of immunization and the province
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