8 datasets found

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Tags: National income

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  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    1.按季公布之國內生產毛額依支出分之貢獻度,包含民間消費、政府消費、固定資本形成毛額、存貨變動、商品及服務輸出與輸入。 2.收集目的:陳示國內生產毛額支出面之各組成分貢獻概況。 3.資料收集方式:主要參考各部會辦理之各項調查、公務統計、各級政府年度預決算及會計月報等資料。

    Description in English:

    [MT] 1. Quarterly gross domestic product announcement according to expenditure per contribution, contain private consumption, government consumption, gross fixed capital formation, changes in inventories, goods and services output and input. 2. Purpose ...
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    1.按年公布國民所得各業之生產總額、中間消費、國內生產毛額、生產及進口稅淨額、固定資本消耗、受僱人員報酬及營業盈餘 2.收集目的:陳示國民所得統計中國內各年生產及要素所得 3.資料收集方式:主要參考各部會辦理之各項調查、公務統計、各級政府年度預決算、會計月報及民間企業財務報表等資料

    Description in English:

    [MT] 1. Press published a total annual production of the industry of the national income, intermediate consumption, gross domestic product, net production and import taxes, consumption of fixed capital, operating surplus of employment and remuneration 2...
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    1.按季公布國民所得各業之國內生產毛額貢獻度(連鎖實質值) 2.收集目的:陳示國民所得統計中國內各季依行業分生產毛額貢獻度 3.資料收集方式:主要參考各部會辦理之各項調查、公務統計、各級政府年度預決算、會計月報及民間企業財務報表等資料

    Description in English:

    [MT] 1. The quarterly gross domestic product announced contribution (value chain in real terms) for each sector of national income collected 2 Objective: Chern national income statistics each quarter in accordance with domestic production gross contribu...
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    1.按季公布國民所得各業之國內生產毛額(當期價格)、國內生產毛額(連鎖實質值)及國內生產毛額(平減指數) 2.收集目的:陳示國民所得統計中國內各季各業生產及平減指數 3.資料收集方式:主要參考各部會辦理之各項調查、公務統計、各級政府年度預決算、會計月報及民間企業財務報表等資料

    Description in English:

    [MT] 1. Quarterly Gross Domestic Product released each sector of national income (current prices), gross domestic product (the value chain in real terms) and the gross domestic product (deflator) 2 collection purposes: Chern national income statistics e...
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    1.按季公布固定資本形成依購買主體及資本財型態分統計。 2.收集目的:陳示國內公營、政府及民間部門對各型態資本財投資狀況。 3.資料收集方式:參考經濟部工業生產調查、經濟部製造業營運及投資概況調查、財政部海關進出口統計、交通部公務統計以及相關調查資料。

    Description in English:

    [MT] 1. Quarterly statistics released fixed capital formation divided according to subject and purchase capital goods type. 2. Purpose of Collection: Chern domestic public, government and private sector capital investment for each type of fiscal situati...
  • flag_taiwan 2 Views


    Title in English:


    1.按季公布經季節調整後之國內生產毛額統計,包含民間消費、政府消費、資本形成、商品及服務輸出與輸入。 2.收集目的:陳示國民所得支出面各項目經季節調整後之統計結果。 3.資料收集方式:採用美國普查局X-13ARIMA-SEATS統計方法。

    Description in English:

    [MT] 1. Quarterly statistics released by the gross domestic product after the seasonal adjustment includes private consumption, government consumption, capital formation, input and output of goods and services. 2. Purpose of Collection: Chern national i...
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    1.按年公布國民所得各業之國內生產毛額貢獻度(連鎖實質值) 2.收集目的:陳示國民所得統計中國內各年依行業分生產毛額貢獻度 3.資料收集方式:主要參考各部會辦理之各項調查、公務統計、各級政府年度預決算、會計月報及民間企業財務報表等資料

    Description in English:

    [MT] 1. published annual contribution of gross domestic production (value chain in real terms) in each sector of the national income 2. Purpose of Collection: Chern national income statistics for each year according to the domestic industry producing p...
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    1.按年公布國民所得各業之生產總額、中間消費、國內生產毛額(當期價格)、國內生產毛額(連鎖實質值)及國內生產毛額(平減指數) 2.收集目的:陳示國民所得統計中國內各年各業生產及平減指數 3.資料收集方式:主要參考各部會辦理之各項調查、公務統計、各級政府年度預決算、會計月報及民間企業財務報表等資料

    Description in English:

    [MT] 1. Press published a total annual production of the industry of the national income, intermediate consumption, gross domestic product (current prices), gross domestic product (the value chain in real terms) and the gross domestic product (deflator)...
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