3 datasets found

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Tags: conflict

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  • flag_indonesia 1 View


    Title in English:


    Data Konflik Sosial Dataset ini berisi rekapitulasi jumlah kejadian konflik sosial di Provinsi DKI Jakarta Penyajian mengenai variabel pada Dataset ini : tanggal : hari dan...

    Description in English:

    [MT] Data on the social conflict of the social conflict contains recapitulation of the number of incidents of social conflict in the DKI Jakarta Province of Jakarta about the variables on this dataset: 1. Date: day and date of conflict. Time: Disadvanta...
  • flag_malaysia


    Title in English:


    Sebanyak 1,252 operasi bersepadu telah dijalankan dengan kerjasama pelbagai pihak seperti Angkatan Relawan Rakyat (RELA) dan Jawatankuasa Kemajuan dan Keselamatan Kampung (JKKK)...

    Description in English:

    [MT] A total of 1,252 joint operation was conducted with the cooperation of various parties such as the People's Volunteer Corps (RELA) and Village Development and Security Committee (JKKK) in addressing human-wildlife conflict for the period 2016 to 20...
  • flag_malaysia 1 View


    Title in English:


    Operasi tangkapan gajah liar telah dijalankan oleh Unit Tangkapan Gajah (UTG) Negeri Jabatan PERHILITAN dan dibantu oleh UTG, Pusat Konservasi Gajah Kebangsaan, Kuala Gandah...

    Description in English:

    Wild elephant capture operations were conducted by the State Department of the Elephant Capture Unit (UTG) and assisted by UTG, National Elephant Conservation Center, Kuala Gandah to resolve human-elephant conflict issues.
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