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Catalogues: data.go.id Tags: contingency valuation method thesis

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  • flag_indonesia 4 Views


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    Mengingat manfaat yang dimilikinya, taman nasional tidak bisa dianggap sebagai obyek wisata biasa sehingga perlu sistem pengelolaan wisata yang berwawasan lingkungan dan...

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    Given the benefits it has, a national park cannot be considered an ordinary tourist attraction so it needs an environmentally friendly and sustainable tourism management system. The problem in this study is to see the extent of the role of the Mount Ged...
  • flag_indonesia


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    Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui studi Metode Valuasi Kontingensi yang secara langsung menanyakan kesediaan dan kerelaan pengguna jasa dalam membayar tarif (WTP) dengan...

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    The method of data collection is done through a Contingency Valuation Method study which directly asks the willingness and willingness of service users to pay tariffs (WTP) with the bidding game method. - Elyis Sontikasyah
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