57 datasets found

Contents in English are mainly machine translated, may not reflect the exact meaning.

Licenses: custom-other Economies: Taiwan Catalogues: scidm.nchc.org.tw

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  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    1.影像內容說明:為有病兆的血管高解析物影像。可供與其他資料集訓練狹窄影像、CAG/CTA 資料集的斑塊質性訓練使用。 2.資料特色/用途或價值說明:血管內超音波(IVUS)及光學同調斷一層掃描儀(OCT)兩種影像工具都可以在執行心導管時提供更多血管細節資訊,但兩者略有不同。血管內超音波影像的空間解析度為100-150mm,穿透深度為5 mm...

    Description in English:

    [MT] 1. Video Content Description: For vascular highlighted objects with sick sheds. Plaque tight training for training narrow images with other data sets, CAG / CTA profiles. 2. Data Features / Use or Value Description: Invascular ultrasonic (IVUS) and...
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    影像內容說明:為有病兆的血管高解析物影像。可供與其他資料集訓練狹窄影像、CAG/CTA 資料集的斑塊質性訓練使用。 資料特色 / 用途或價值說明:血管內超音波(IVUS)及光學同調斷一層掃描儀(OCT)兩種影像工具都可以在執行心導管時提供更多血管細節資訊,但兩者略有不同。血管內超音波影像的空間解析度為 100-150mm,穿透深度為 5 mm...

    Description in English:

    [MT] 1. Video Content Description: For vascular highlighted objects with sick sheds. Plaque tight training for training narrow images with other data sets, CAG / CTA profiles. 2. Data Features / Use or Value Description: Invascular ultrasonic (IVUS) and...
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    1.影像內容說明:侵入式的生理數值,可以了解該血管的壓力狀況進而推估血流狀 況。亦可分析狹窄病灶對於血流力學的影響,進一步推估缺氧狀況決定是否要使用心導管治療。 2.資料特色/用途或價值說明:當遇到形態學上(CAG +/- IVUS or...

    Description in English:

    [MT] 1. Video Content Description: Invasive physiological values, you can understand the pressure status of the blood vessel to increase blood flow. It is also possible to analyze the effects of narrow lesions for hemodynamics, and further pursue hypoxi...
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    1.影像內容說明:以冠狀動脈為核心,建立結構,灌流,侵入性診斷影像,侵入性斑塊特性以及血流儲備分率的數據。 2.資料特色 /...

    Description in English:

    [MT] 1. Video Content Description: The coronary artery is core, establishing structural, perfusion, invasive diagnostic images, invasive plaque characteristics, and data of blood flow reserve. 2. Data Features / Use or Value Description: This informatio...
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:

    This dataset has no description

  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    The usage of the data set is unrestricted. However, it is recommended to cite our JMI 2018 paper and provide the link to our original download site in your paper. Please read...

    Description in English:

    * The usage of the data set is unrestricted. However, it is recommended to cite our JMI 2018 paper and provide the link to our original download site in your paper.* Please read more detail in readme.pdf and FAQ.pdf* Please refer MD5_checksums.txt for m...
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    National Institutes of Health Chest X-Ray Dataset https://www.kaggle.com/nih-chest-xrays Chest X-ray exams are one of the most frequent and cost-effective medical imaging...

    Description in English:

    # National Institutes of Health Chest X-Ray Datasethttps://www.kaggle.com/nih-chest-xraysChest X-ray exams are one of the most frequent and cost-effective medical imaging examinations available. However, clinical diagnosis of a chest X-ray can be challe...
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    使用條款 使用此資料集前,請詳閱下列條款: 資料庫之電子型式,組成資料內容與型式,著作權屬中央研究院原各著做小組,智慧財產權所有權仍屬中研院所有。 資料庫內容之著作權屬原始著作人所有 牽涉本條款第一項及第二項著作內容之任何引用之商業行為應與著作權所有人另定約規定之。 如有侵犯資料庫著作權或智慧財產權之行為,應由使用者自行負擔法律責任。...

    Description in English:

    [MT] #__ Terms of Use __ ## Please read the following terms: * The electronic model of the database, the content and type of information, the copyright Central Research Institute, etc., the wisdom property rights ownership is still All in the school res...
  • flag_taiwan 2 Views


    Title in English:


    使用條款 使用此資料集前,請詳閱下列條款: 資料庫之電子型式,組成資料內容與型式,著作權屬中央研究院原各著做小組,智慧財產權所有權仍屬中研院所有。 資料庫內容之著作權屬原始著作人所有 牽涉本條款第一項及第二項著作內容之任何引用之商業行為應與著作權所有人另定約規定之。 如有侵犯資料庫著作權或智慧財產權之行為,應由使用者自行負擔法律責任。...

    Description in English:

    [MT] #__ Terms of Use __ ## Please read the following terms: * The electronic model of the database, the content and type of information, the copyright Central Research Institute, etc., the wisdom property rights ownership is still All in the school res...
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    抽樣資料使用條款 使用此資料集前,請詳閱下列條款: 資料庫之電子型式,組成資料內容與型式,著作權屬中央研究院原各著做小組,智慧財產權所有權仍屬中研院所有。 資料庫內容之著作權屬原始著作人所有 牽涉本條款第一項及第二項著作內容之任何引用之商業行為應與著作權所有人另定約規定之。...

    Description in English:

    [MT] #__ Sampling Data Terms of Use __ ## Please read the following terms: * The electronic model of the database, the content and model of the information, the copyright Central Research Institute, the country, intelligence property rights ownership It...
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    使用條款 使用此資料集前,請詳閱下列條款: 資料庫之電子型式,組成資料內容與型式,著作權屬中央研究院原各著做小組,智慧財產權所有權仍屬中研院所有。 資料庫內容之著作權屬原始著作人所有 牽涉本條款第一項及第二項著作內容之任何引用之商業行為應與著作權所有人另定約規定之。 如有侵犯資料庫著作權或智慧財產權之行為,應由使用者自行負擔法律責任。...

    Description in English:

    [MT] #__ Terms of Use __ ## Please read the following terms: * The electronic model of the database, the content and type of information, the copyright Central Research Institute, etc., the wisdom property rights ownership is still All in the school res...
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    使用條款 使用此資料集前,請詳閱下列條款: 資料庫之電子型式,組成資料內容與型式,著作權屬中央研究院原各著做小組,智慧財產權所有權仍屬中研院所有。 資料庫內容之著作權屬原始著作人所有 牽涉本條款第一項及第二項著作內容之任何引用之商業行為應與著作權所有人另定約規定之。 如有侵犯資料庫著作權或智慧財產權之行為,應由使用者自行負擔法律責任。...

    Description in English:

    [MT] #__ Terms of Use __ ## Please read the following terms: * The electronic model of the database, the content and type of information, the copyright Central Research Institute, etc., the wisdom property rights ownership is still All in the school res...
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    使用條款 使用此資料集前,請詳閱下列條款: 資料庫之電子型式,組成資料內容與型式,著作權屬中央研究院原各著做小組,智慧財產權所有權仍屬中研院所有。 資料庫內容之著作權屬原始著作人所有。 牽涉本條款第一項及第二項著作內容之任何引用之商業行為應與著作權所有人另定約規定之。 如有侵犯資料庫著作權或智慧財產權之行為,應由使用者自行負擔法律責任。...

    Description in English:

    [MT] #__ Terms of Use __ ## Please read the following terms: * The electronic model of the database, the content and type of information, the copyright Central Research Institute, etc., the wisdom property rights ownership is still All in the school res...
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    使用條款 使用此資料集前,請詳閱下列條款: 資料庫之電子型式,組成資料內容與型式,著作權屬中央研究院原各著做小組,智慧財產權所有權仍屬中研院所有。 資料庫內容之著作權屬原始著作人所有。 牽涉本條款第一項及第二項著作內容之任何引用之商業行為應與著作權所有人另定約規定之。 如有侵犯資料庫著作權或智慧財產權之行為,應由使用者自行負擔法律責任。...

    Description in English:

    [MT] #__ Terms of Use __ ## Please read the following terms: * The electronic model of the database, the content and type of information, the copyright Central Research Institute, etc., the wisdom property rights ownership is still All in the school res...
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    抽樣資料使用條款 使用此資料集前,請詳閱下列條款: 資料庫之電子型式,組成資料內容與型式,著作權屬中央研究院原各著做小組,智慧財產權所有權仍屬中研院所有。 資料庫內容之著作權屬原始著作人所有。 牽涉本條款第一項及第二項著作內容之任何引用之商業行為應與著作權所有人另定約規定之。...

    Description in English:

    [MT] # __ Samples Terms of Use __ ## For details, please refer to the following terms: * The electronic model of the database, the content and model of the information, the copyright Central Research Institute, the country, the wisdom property ownership...
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    使用條款 使用此資料集前,請詳閱下列條款: 資料庫之電子型式,組成資料內容與型式,著作權屬中央研究院原各著做小組,智慧財產權所有權仍屬中研院所有。 資料庫內容之著作權屬原始著作人所有。 牽涉本條款第一項及第二項著作內容之任何引用之商業行為應與著作權所有人另定約規定之。 如有侵犯資料庫著作權或智慧財產權之行為,應由使用者自行負擔法律責任。...

    Description in English:

    [MT] #__ Terms of Use __ ## Please read the following terms: * The electronic model of the database, the content and type of information, the copyright Central Research Institute, etc., the wisdom property rights ownership is still All in the school res...
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    NCHC-AI種子教師資料上傳手冊與示範 1. 登入->改密碼 2. 登入->組織->AI企業列車 3. 新增資料集->上傳檔案 4. 設定資料集群組為 AI-ML

    Description in English:

    [MT] Nchc-ai seed teacher data Upload manual and demonstration 1. Login -> Change password 2. Login -> Organization -> Ai Enterprise Train 3. Add Address Set -> Upload Archive 4. Setting the data cluster as ai-ml
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    THE MNIST DATABASE of handwritten digits mnist 手寫辨識資料 http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/ mnist in csv 格式,出自於kaggle https://www.kaggle.com/oddrationale/mnist-in-csv/data Yann...

    Description in English:

    # THE MNIST DATABASE of handwritten digitsmnist 手寫辨識資料http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/mnist in csv 格式,出自於kaggle https://www.kaggle.com/oddrationale/mnist-in-csv/data* Yann LeCun, Courant Institute, NYU* Corinna Cortes, Google Labs, New York* Christophe...
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    Surveillance video captured by Multi-intensity infrared illuminator. GT(ground-truths) :bounding boxes of 'person' in channel 2,4 and 6 by following the Pascal VOC format....

    Description in English:

    Surveillance video captured by Multi-intensity infrared illuminator. >GT(ground-truths) :bounding boxes of 'person' in channel 2,4 and 6 by following the Pascal VOC format. ![Pathway2_3](https://scidm.nchc.org.tw/dataset/b64f0a28-7922-45c4-a090-448e9c78...
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    科技部 科技前瞻 銷科學領域熱門議題之趨勢分析 Marketing Papers Marketing Journal Paper Abstracts: all research articles published in 25 SSCI indexed journals from 1995-01-01 to 2014-12-31. Refer to:...

    Description in English:

    [MT] Trend hot topics of science Ministry of Science and Technology prospective sales analysis Marketing PapersMarketing Journal Paper Abstracts: all research articles published in 25 SSCI indexed journals from 1995-01-01 to 2014-12-31 Refer to:. Popula...
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