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Data set ini berisi nama wisata / travel, alamat, pemilik, nomor registrasi dan tanggalDescription in English:
[MT] These data sets contain name of the tour / travel, address, owner, registration number and date -
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Data Biro Perjalanan Wisata dan Angkutan Wisata Kabupaten Rembang Tahun 2018Description in English:
[MT] Data Transport Travel Agency and Tourism Rembang 2018 -
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Mengingat manfaat yang dimilikinya, taman nasional tidak bisa dianggap sebagai obyek wisata biasa sehingga perlu sistem pengelolaan wisata yang berwawasan lingkungan dan...Description in English:
Given the benefits it has, a national park cannot be considered an ordinary tourist attraction so it needs an environmentally friendly and sustainable tourism management system. The problem in this study is to see the extent of the role of the Mount Ged... -
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Tujuan penelitian adalah 1. Mnegukur tata guna lahan pertanian di Kota Pangkalpinang terhadap PDRB Sektor Lapangan Usaha dan PDRB perkapita dari penduduk 2. Mengukur dan...Description in English:
The research objectives are 1. Measuring agricultural land use in the City of Pangkalpinang against PDRB Business Sector and PDRB per capita of the population 2. Measuring and knowing the optimal land area of the City of Pangkalpinang against its hint... -
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Title in English:
Penelitian dan penulisan tesis ini bertujuan untuk melihat perkembangan kesenjangan/disparitas pendapatan dan mengetahui faktor-faktor yang menjadi penyebab kesenjangan yang...Description in English:
The research and writing of this thesis aims to see the development of income disparity / disparity and to know the factors that cause disparities that occur in Klaten Regency. To study the above, this research uses descriptive analysis method based ... -
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Agenda Kegiatan Dinas Perhubungan Provinsi Jawa TengahDescription in English:
Agenda Activities of the Transportation Office of Central Java Province -
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Penelitian ini mencoba untuk mengetahui alokasi dan distribusi trayek angkutan perkotaan di Yogyakarta yang ada saat ini dan mencoba untuk mengusulkan beberapa alternatif trayek...Description in English:
This study tries to determine the current allocation and distribution of urban transport routes in Yogyakarta and tries to propose several alternative routes that are considered effective and efficient in the context of structuring urban transport in pa... -
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Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menunjukan bahwa sistem transportasi mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting dalam pembangunan ekonomi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan dengan sektor...Description in English:
This research is intended to show that the transportation system has a very important role in economic development. The results showed the transportation sector affects the production sector. -
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Dataset ini berisikan daftar agen perjalanan wisata yang terdaftar di PTSP Kota Pontianak. Dataset ini terdiri dari: No : nomor urut data No ID : Nomor ID dari perusahaan...Description in English:
This dataset contains a list of travel agents registered at Pontianak City PTSP. This dataset consists of: * No: serial number of data * ID Number: ID number of the company * Business Name: the name of a travel company * Business Address: address ... -
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Title in English:
Kumpulan data berisi agen-agen/biro perjalanan wisata/travel resmi di Kota Pontianak berdasarkan data ID (identitas data) yang masuk ke dalam database Dinas DPMTK PTSP Kota...Description in English:
Data collection contains agents / travel agents / official travel in the city of Pontianak based on data ID (data identity) that entered into the database of the City of Pontianak PTPM DPMTK Office, business address and business district