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Catalogues: opendata.taichung.gov.tw Categories: I. Education, culture and sport

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    Title in English:


    統計項目定義: (一)高級中等學校:依高級中等教育法及其施行細則、高級中等學校組織設置及員額編製標準設立之學校。 (二)教師數:係指專任教師以實際現有(編制內)人數計算,包括校長(大專附設除外)、超額分發教師、專任輔導教師、長期代理教師、特教班專任教師、原住民專任教師及教官,不含運動教練。服兵役及留職停薪教師,以占實缺之代理教師資料計列。...

    Description in English:

    Statistical project definition: (1) Senior secondary schools: schools established in accordance with the Higher Secondary Education Act and its implementation rules, the establishment of senior secondary schools and the establishment of staffing standa...