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Licenses: ogdlv1 Categories: B. Environment Tags: Changqing Academy

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  • flag_taiwan 3 Views


    Title in English:


    1.107年起長青學苑由各區公所主辦,如有課程相關問題請洽各區公所,或至本市長青學苑網站( https://old65.taichung.gov.tw/ )查詢。 2. 於12月辦理招生。 3. 研習時間為一年,分上、下學期。 4. 開設班別分:含本國語文及國學、外國語文、國樂、戲劇、手工藝、居家環境研究、...

    Description in English:

    Since 1107, Changqing Academy has been sponsored by the district offices. If you have any questions related to the course, please contact the district offices or visit the website of the Mayor Qingxueyuan (https://old65.taichung.gov.tw/). 2. Enrollment ...