61 datasets found

Contents in English are mainly machine translated, may not reflect the exact meaning.

Catalogues: data.gov.sg Categories: B. Environment

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  • flag_singapore 4 Views


    Title in English:


    Location of Toxic Industrial Wastes Treatment and Disposal Facilities

    Description in English:

    Location of Toxic Industrial Wastes Treatment and Disposal Facilities
  • flag_singapore 1 View


    Title in English:


    Lighting waste recycling near you.

    Description in English:

    Lighting waste recycling near you.
  • flag_singapore 1 View


    Title in English:


    E-waste recycling near you.

    Description in English:

    E-waste recycling near you.
  • flag_singapore 2 Views


    Title in English:


    Million tonnes of waste incinerated per year

    Description in English:

    Million tonnes of waste incinerated per year
  • flag_singapore 2 Views


    Title in English:


    Kilogram of domestic waste disposed per day per person

    Description in English:

    Kilogram of domestic waste disposed per day per person
  • flag_singapore 2 Views


    Title in English:


    Million tons of domestic waste disposed per year

    Description in English:

    Million tons of domestic waste disposed per year
  • flag_singapore 2 Views


    Title in English:


    Million tonnes of waste landfilled per year Total waste landfilled includes non-incinerable waste such as construction and demolition waste, used slag and treated sludge etc....

    Description in English:

    Million tonnes of waste landfilled per year Total waste landfilled includes non-incinerable waste such as construction and demolition waste, used slag and treated sludge etc. and excludes incineration ash generated from waste disposed through incin...
  • flag_singapore 2 Views


    Title in English:


    Million tonnes of waste generated per year Total waste generated is the sum of Total waste recycled, Total waste incinerated and Total waste landfilled

    Description in English:

    Million tonnes of waste generated per year Total waste generated is the sum of Total waste recycled, Total waste incinerated and Total waste landfilled
  • flag_singapore 6 Views Popular


    Title in English:


    Fiscal position may not be fully comparable across financial years due to the reclassification of revenue and expenditure items over time. The Government's financial year...

    Description in English:

    Fiscal position may not be fully comparable across financial years due to the reclassification of revenue and expenditure items over time. The Government's financial year begins on 1 April of the current year and ends on 31 March of the following ye...
  • flag_singapore 1 View


    Title in English:


    SOURCE: MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND WATER RESOURCES, NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT AGENCY Data exclude metals recovered from incineration bottom ash in a new metal recovery facility...

    Description in English:

    SOURCE: MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND WATER RESOURCES, NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT AGENCY Data exclude metals recovered from incineration bottom ash in a new metal recovery facility commissioned in 2015.
  • flag_singapore 7 Views Popular


    Title in English:


    This dataset provides the indicative locations of the tracks within areas managed by the National Parks Board. Also included are the Park Connector Networks. Where possible, the...

    Description in English:

    This dataset provides the indicative locations of the tracks within areas managed by the National Parks Board. Also included are the Park Connector Networks. Where possible, the tracks within parks and nature reserves are connected to the park connec...
  • flag_singapore 5 Views Popular


    Title in English:


    Indicative line offset from the boundaries of Nature Reserve, Nature Area and National Park.

    Description in English:

    Indicative line offset from the boundaries of Nature Reserve, Nature Area and National Park.
  • flag_singapore 2 Views


    Title in English:


    Annotation of Nature Reserve, Nature Area and National Park symbol.

    Description in English:

    Annotation of Nature Reserve, Nature Area and National Park symbol.
  • flag_singapore 1 View


    Title in English:


    Annotation of Nature Reserve, Nature Area and National Park Text.

    Description in English:

    Annotation of Nature Reserve, Nature Area and National Park Text.
  • flag_singapore 5 Views Popular


    Title in English:


    Annotation of Nature Reserve, National Park and Nature Area text.

    Description in English:

    Annotation of Nature Reserve, National Park and Nature Area text.
  • flag_singapore 2 Views


    Title in English:


    Whole Roads or Section of Roads including lane maintained by LTA. Collector roads are built primarily to feed traffic from local onto arterial roads. It also provides access to...

    Description in English:

    Whole Roads or Section of Roads including lane maintained by LTA. Collector roads are built primarily to feed traffic from local onto arterial roads. It also provides access to adjacent land uses. Local access roads provide access to various types o...
  • flag_singapore 6 Views Popular


    Title in English:


    List of Schools with Specialised Facilities/Resources to Support Special Educational Needs. Notes: The table lists the schools that are resourced with the following facilities...

    Description in English:

    List of Schools with Specialised Facilities/Resources to Support Special Educational Needs. Notes: The table lists the schools that are resourced with the following facilities and/or specialised staff to support their students with special educati...
  • flag_singapore 2 Views


    Title in English:


    Note: Figures are based on Annual Statistical Reports on Crime in Singapore.

    Description in English:

    Note: Figures are based on Annual Statistical Reports on Crime in Singapore.
  • flag_singapore 1 View


    Title in English:


    Number of Medifund Applications Approved, Grants Disbursed to Institutions. In the past years, applications for all Intermediate and Long Term Care (ILTC) services were...

    Description in English:

    Number of Medifund Applications Approved, Grants Disbursed to Institutions. In the past years, applications for all Intermediate and Long Term Care (ILTC) services were classified together as a category. For FY12, Medifund applications for ILTC serv...
  • flag_singapore


    Title in English:


    Awards and Orders made by the Court. An Industrial Arbitration Court (IAC) Award refers to an award made by the IAC, and includes a collective agreement and a memorandum of the...

    Description in English:

    Awards and Orders made by the Court. An Industrial Arbitration Court (IAC) Award refers to an award made by the IAC, and includes a collective agreement and a memorandum of the terms which have been certified by the President of the IAC in accordanc...