Number of Traffic Lights
Number of Traffic Lights

Facilities include only those maintained by the Land Transport Authority (LTA). Other road structures maintained by the LTA include culverts, retaining walls, street lightings, etc.

Ref: https://www.mytransport.sg/content/mytransport/home/dataMall.html

Facilities include only those maintained by the Land Transport Authority (LTA). Other road structures maintained by the LTA include culverts, retaining walls, street lightings, etc. Ref: https://www.mytransport.sg/content/mytransport/home/dataMall.html

Data and Resources

  • Traffic LightsCSV Popular

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated September 16, 2019, 17:17 (CST)
Created September 9, 2019, 16:50 (CST)
AODP_DateImported 192521611
AODP_former_id 7e9d32fc-4855-4bff-8dbf-5f09c99978fe
AODP_former_name traffic-lights
AODP_former_owner_org 6576ba10-9d3d-4af8-998d-e8c242a984e2
AODP_former_site https://data.gov.sg
AODP Economy Singapore