[MT] Matters to be addressed in 2014 and later in the agricultural sector


[MT] With respect to activities in the agricultural sector of the "world's most advanced IT nation creation Declaration", 2014 or later, summarizes the government across the tackle should matter in agriculture IT utilization field of between a few years.

Data and Resources

  • 農業分野における平成26年度以降に取り組むべき事項等PDF


Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated November 13, 2020, 00:31 (CST)
Created October 11, 2020, 07:18 (CST)
DPA_DateImported 202841449
DPA_former_id 00f521f6-4b3a-4b0d-9c53-599159cd5f64
DPA_former_name cas_20140901_0046
DPA_former_owner_org 0f320195-c113-464c-9f9e-82b1edff0f32
DPA_former_site https://www.data.go.jp/data/en
contactPoint 情報通信技術(IT)総合戦略室
creator 情報通信技術(IT)総合戦略室
description 「世界最先端IT国家創造宣言」の農業分野の取組みに関して、平成26年度以降、数年程度の間に農業のIT利活用分野において政府横断的に取り組むべき事項をまとめたもの。
landingPage http://www.kantei.go.jp/jp/singi/it2/decision.html
publisher 内閣官房
release_date 2014-03-24
resource_names 農業分野における平成26年度以降に取り組むべき事項等
AODP Economy Japan